Andre: "Hah? Which market sink? Must be flood, is it?"
Me: "Not that type of market lah, the stock market."
Andre: "Stalk market? You mean the one that sells plants?"
Everyday is a comic strip with Andre.
Anyway, here are the answers to the two logic puzzles I posted yesterday. No way I'm going to type out the loooooong solutions, so you'll have to bear with the small print in the images. If it's too small to read, click on the image, you should see a bigger picture.
Here's the working for Family Barbecue:

Here's the working for R is for Rosebud:

Did you manage to solve them?
yo! I was stuck at the first puzzle because of the English. The clue.."The father did not eat both pork and corn on the cob" threw me off track...cos I read it as father did not eat "corn" and did not eat "pork" and not the combo of it... *sigh*
I got all the people's role and sequence right, including the meat, except I cannot reconcile the last part on the veggie due to the above... cos obviously I have mom and dad on same veggie and that failed the Marlene and Denise statement. And I was too stubborn to think Dad cud be on corn...:( boo-hoo-hoo...
Hv not looked at the second question... overly "traumatised" by the first... *hahaha*
Btw, your son's responses are very adorable. It shows innocence is so priceless.
Haha, the puzzles were not meant to traumatise you!! Just have fun, you'll get the hang of it after a while :)
Monica, your conversations with Andre sound like mine with Sean.Sometimes I feel like a comic stip character.
Eunice, I agree! I often feel like the mother in Baby Blues...
HI Monica, Andre is so funny and innocent. Wonder when they start to lose this quality, sigh.
Aiya, think I was tripped by the same clue as qx. Am starting to wonder if there are 2 possible answers. That's my ego still trying to be right, haha. I had a go at Q2, but it completely bamboozled me before I even got to the 3rd part of the clues.
Ad: the trick with puzzles having many clues is to find the ones with a common item, then you can try to find one characteristic of that item and on to other characteristics. It helps narrow down the choices.
Really take my hat off you, Monica. THE ULTIMATE QUEEN OF PUZZLES. It is overly mind boggling for me(I tried at least twice!) and I don't have the patience to trace down the complex clues. I stick to the "truth" that I have a simple normal brain that can take only "threeeee" things at one time. :) So it is true that you should be doing those Math 'model' problems without much difficulty if yr brain can work these complex puzzles. I play more with visual puzzles and they are much simpler...
To think you actually do 4-5 stars puzzles.... *thud* but kudos.
QX: no lah, really, it just takes practice! don't forget i've been doing these for over 10 years. when i first started, i never even bothered with the 4 & 5-stars, just reading the clues confused me! the mind is fascinating - once you get it used to convoluted puzzles, you'll be surprised at what you can do :)
Hi Monica,
Surprise is an understatement, it would be shocking if I can do what you do. :)
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