She hasn't mastered the handstand or the cartwheel yet but it's fun to see her perform some of the other poses so I took some pictures.

For her gym test, Lesley-Anne's group choreographed a neat number and they did very well. Individually, she scored an A+. Too bad it's a non-examinable subject!
I'm not sure if she'll ever manage the handstand, I think it's such a cool move. I'll post a picture if she does.
For 13yo to do this, it is very good! Bravo L-A!
My front and side split terminology is opposite from yours, have I been wrong all this while? *gosh*
My gal enjoys gym for fun as well. Her school offers fun gym for PE too.
QX: I think those who take ballet have a natural affinity to gym. I, on the other hand, hated gym in school especially wearing the leotards!
The terminology came from Lesley-Anne, not sure if they're correct?
When did LA start her ballet class? If I wish to send my gal to ballet, where would you recommend? Do you think community center/club is adequate?
L-A started at 8. I think CCs are fine, better to get recommendations from friends so you know where are the better teachers. You can read more under the Music and Dance label.
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