The problem back then (and maybe even now) was that the focus was mostly on exams. Learning the piano was yet another thing on a kid's achievement score-card, so parents could boast to their friends, "My son passed his Grade 8 at age 12!" or some ridiculous notion like that. The music itself often took a backseat. I know my own father said, "After you finish your Grade 8, you won't need the piano anymore, we can sell it." I was dumbfounded. It's like saying after you pass your driving test, you don't need a car anymore.

Today, the Dresden still stands tall in my study-cum-library-cum-office. It was therefore natural that Lesley-Anne went for piano lessons. I had started teaching her informally when she was about 3, just to gauge if she enjoyed playing the piano. She learnt pretty fast and seemed to like it so we sent her for formal lessons when she was 5.

In the picture above, she's playing for guests at our Christmas party - we started this tradition so all the invited kids who can play also have the opportunity to perform for others.

I'm slightly embarrassed to say that Andre's musicality completely caught me off guard. He has a natural talent, which Uncle Peter cleverly fosters by picking songs that appeal to Andre, like Disney tunes. Within six months of lessons, he was jauntily playing a Grade 2 level Beauty and the Beast. However, he plays largely by ear, meaning he memorises where the notes are and what they sound like. If he stops playing the piece for a while, he won't be able to automatically pick it up again because it would mean actually having to read the notes. True to character, Andre dislikes the learning process but he thrives on performance. Theory bores him to tears.
After both their practical exams this year, I'm putting a temporary hold on piano exams and just letting them focus on playing for enjoyment.
I'm for kids learning music because I think music is such an integral part of being human. It doesn't have to be the piano, it could be the violin, flute, voice or even the drums (if you can tahan the noise). But if you ever need a compelling reason for letting your kids learn an instrument, here it is: music helps with maths. Qualifier: doesn't mean you start your kid on music lessons and he or she immediately gets A for maths. But it has been repeatedly found in studies that music does trigger spatial-temporal reasoning abilities in the brain, which is considered crucial in maths.
So if your kids are not yet learning music, I hope you will consider it for its inherent benefits. If not, then at least for the hope that it will help them with maths!
Wow Monica, I really like your emphasis on no exams. Maybe that's why I disliked it so much when I was young. Andre sounds so gregarious and outgoing that he probably would enjoy playing music for everyone to enjoy!
It's great to read a post about the benefits of music that sites practical, real life examples rather than overly relying on studies about higher IQ's and test scores. Nice job!
O yes, music appreciation certainly adds quality to life or at the very least, acts as an outlet for an overly stressed place e.g. Sg.
Gotta send Mr Andre to some music drama performing group. Bet he'll love it given his natural extroversion!
I was in performing arts CCAs both in primary and secondary school days. Backstage and rehearsals screw-ups were always so fun and memorable! Give anything to be young and foolish again! :)
Thanks for all your comments! I did notice that adults who said they hated piano lessons were those who dreaded exams. Exams serve as a good benchmark but ultimately, it shd be about the music.
Bk In Ger- I agree totally with the school day performances!
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