Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Reminiscing - Lesley-Anne

It would probably surprise many people to know that Lesley-Anne was a very expressive baby. Although she appeared shy, she loved hamming it up in front of the camera and she had this very hearty laugh that belied her demure demeanour.

Some of my favourite shots of her showed her very funny expressions. Like this one!

And this!

Here she is, laughing uncontrollably. I must have been doing something really silly behind the camera...

This was in Sydney, the same trip as the Canberra one in 2002. She's carrying a bear haversack that accompanied her on most of her early travels.
Before she insisted on growing her hair long, she had this thick bob. And a gorgeous smile!


  1. Aiyoh...so cute...must cut her hair short again! Much better quality to the photos now, must also go and buy a new camera like yours! Andre's hair in the last post is the winner for funky hairstyle, though...

  2. She looks gorgeous in every picture, really! My favourite is the one with the blue teeshirt, such a cheeky smile. She still retains her beautiful smile, that's for sure :)

  3. Veronica: I wish I could persuade her to cut her hair short, it would be so much easier to manage! But noooo... she will not part with her ponytail...

    Lilian: Thanks!! But why do I keep looking at the old pics and sighing... both so grown up now. Enjoy little Sean while he's still adorable!

  4. Wah, so cuute!! Thanks for sharing the pics! I can see what you mean by expressive. She looks like a livewire with a huge bundle of energy, and sooo cheeky too!

    So good to look back and relive our precious babes!

  5. I like the 3rd photo best... she looks very elegant in that one, I must say. There's something about that smile...which I can't quite describe. I just lurve it.

    Both kids have very thick and healthy sheen hair!

  6. Love all the pictures especially her smiles! So adorable!! I kept looking at the last picture, the smile showed happy and contented


  7. All pictures are lovely, such jubiliance! Her euphoria is contagious, looking at her makes one smile. You are blessed with 2 lovely kids, both with smiles that melt any livid mum and their cheeks are tell-tale signs. :)


  8. Your first pic of your dd reminds me so much of my own, who had many shots ...lying/sitting on the bed too! The 2nd pic is my favorite with her looking like she was trying hard not to laugh.LOL! It's nice looking through the old photos.
    Now that we are de-cluttering due to moving, we find ourselves looking thro' old pictures too. The kids looked so cute and they have grown so fast. I prefer to look at their pictures than ourselves because I realised we have aged so much over the yrs.

  9. Both your kids are adorable !! I love the third picture of Lesley-Anne - I want to laugh along with her & that afro of Andre - priceless.

    Even tho Nathaly doesn't like her picture taken, I insist on capturing every moment.

  10. I just realise that LA's eyes look much bigger when she's younger compared to now. Or maybe I am wrong. other than that she looks very adorable as a kid. Love it!!


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