Monday, July 6, 2009

Reminiscing - Andre

I'm always lamenting the fact that all of Lesley-Anne and some of Andre's baby photos are not in the digital format, which makes storing and preserving difficult. Well, thanks to the super macro function on my new Canon A480, I can now take digital photos of these photos.

Looking back at Andre's old pictures, I was reminded of just how cute he was (shamelessly declared by his mother). One of Andre's signature traits as an infant was his big afro crop of hair. It was so thick it would poof up in all directions. Like this!

This was in 2002 when we were in Canberra, Australia. We were picking apples at a fruit orchard and Andre was so enamoured by all the bright red, readily available apples that he would pluck an over-sized one and plonk himself right down on the ground to eat it. Still a greedy gut eh?

Andre has always been a happy child, from a very young age. He'd usually be smiling or laughing and charming the socks off everyone.

Here he is, this is probably Christmas 2002. I think that guitar is still around somewhere.

I find that Andre was cutest at around age 2 and 3. He attracted attention whenever we went out, especially from heartland aunties. They would point out how adorable he was and give him sweets that they magically produced from their pockets. Where did my baby go???

Looking at all these old photos brought back tons of memories. Ah, the good ole days! Pics of Lesley-Anne coming up tomorrow.


  1. haha, so cute, love the puffy hair. He's still very cute, so you have a couple more years to enjoy him :)

  2. Waha! I just love all of Andre's pictures, but the last one just takes my breath away. His eyes are all lit up from the inside!

    If I were a heartland auntie, I don't think I would have let this baby walk away.

    You're the sweetest, Andre!

  3. Thanks! I think the cuteness gone liao lah, he's getting chubby... the only hint of innocence is when he says something totally silly and childish LOL!

  4. LOL! The last pic of Andre makes me laugh. U know why? B4 I was married, I was in love with this boy in the advert with "bowl- shaped" hair and I told myself if I have a boy next time, I would let him wear this style!

  5. S: You said it! It's really the "put bowl over head and cut" or coconut hairstyle. I used to tease Lilian about it cos Brian had the hairstyle too!

  6. Andre is so cute!!! I like the 2nd pic, he looked like he was asking for approval to pluck the apple, so cute lah...

    oh, and my older gal has the same hair style as Andre when she was around that age. Her hair just kept growing taller and no sign of coming down, it just stood up like lalang grass, until I have no choice but put a hat on her to try to bring the hair down.


  7. Wow...he is already so animated in his ways since baby days...super cute. In the photos, his cheeks looked like strong muscles developed from smiling alot.

    I like the hair-raising one cos it seems that every kid has only one period in their life to spot this special hairdo and his mood was so pensive in the picture...a penny for his thoughts? He was quite a "Michelin" baby or in Chinese they called it "Lotus Roots", so so adorable! :) You know what? You can find this baby again in your grandson next time! :D


  8. Haha, so every Chinese baby has had a "lalang" hairdo eh? QX: my grandson? Too far down the road to envision leh, hehe...

  9. Seems to be so in our family, the children in our family have all gone through the lalang hair-raising phase...LOL

    Mon, true la..maybe easier to dig out your hubby's or your baby photo to compare with Andre's first. :)



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