Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back to school blues

The new school term has begun and not without commotion, what with the exacerbating H1N1 situation. Thermometers and masks have been flying around classrooms and kids are being sent home due to fever. I don't think there's any way to stop the spread of this flu though, it's already too widespread. The best solution is to keep healthy and practise reasonable caution like washing hands and staying away from visibly sick people.

Aware of the grave situation, the night before school re-opened, Andre asked God in his prayers: "Please God, stop the H1N1 from spreading and even if people catch it, help them get better quickly so it can't get me."

For me, the most upsetting news since term start was not the flu issue but the fact that Andre is getting a new form teacher for the rest of the year. His wonderful form teacher Miss H is going for further training at NIE. I previously posted about how for the first time, he got a teacher who really understands him and is willing to accept him as he is.

This may not sound like much but trust me, it's no picnic teaching Andre. He may seem adorable to many who read my blog but I know he can be very trying as a student. At the parent-teacher conference last term, I was mortified to learn that occasionally during a science lesson, Andre would declare, “I know this already, my daddy taught me up to magnets” and deliberately switch off, either play with his pencil or put his head on his arm and sleep @!&%*@!! And sometimes, when Miss H gives the class instructions, Mr Yaya will ignore her and not move a muscle. He claims he doesn't hear her.

Despite all this, Miss H had very nice things to say about Andre in his report book and gave him a Very Good for Conduct. She has consistently showered him an abundance of patience although she admits that it's sometimes severely tested! But what really shines through is her love for kids and that is possibly the most important trait in a teacher. I'm convinced that she has been instrumental in motivating Andre to do better.

So I'm really, really sorry that she won't continue her good work for the rest of the year. I know Andre is too, he's been looking a little forlorn. I know I need to give the new teacher a chance, maybe she'll be just as good. In the meantime, I've messaged my regret to Miss H and her reply? She has enjoyed teaching Andre and maybe when she returns next year, she might end up being Andre's teacher again. That's a happy thought to hold on to.


  1. Gosh, what a loss! It sounds like Andre and Miss H was an unbeatable pair. But as you note, next year, there's another chance. And in the interim, the new teacher may work out well too.

    So take heart! Crossing my fingers for you!!

  2. I know how much you liked Miss H and how much Andre thrived in her care of course :( Gotta think positive, at least there's just only a few months left in the year, or maybe he'll get along swell with the new teacher, or maybe next year he'll get Miss H again? Okay, I know I'm not helping much.

    Sean said he got a loud "Sean! Pay attention!" from his teacher the other day cos he was doing the Rest head on arm on desk ala sleeping, just like Andre did. Looks like our 2nd borns are quite similar.

  3. Thanks for the empathy. Aiyah such is life right? Always changes. I think I'm more upset than Andre, actually!

    Lilian: I can just imagine Sean resting his head on his arm, haha! yalah, both our 2nd borns are easily bored and will test limits. Poor teachers LOL!!

  4. I can empathize with u 'cos my son's EL teacher is also leaving end of Jul to further her studies. Well...usually is the' adaptability n acceptability re better than adults :P
    An lah :)

  5. I understand how you feel cos Sean's Y4 teacher is really good and has managed to see the best and bring out the best in all the children in the class. Am hoping that his next teacher will be as good. Think the important thing is that they understand that these are atill children and not be quick to lable or dismiss them. I know it's easir said than done , that's why I admire teachers like Ms H and Mr L (Sean's teacher)

  6. So did Miss H turn out to be Andre's teacher again for this new school year? Really hope so for you...

  7. Anon: Haha, no such luck! I guess it was a one in a million chance anyway...


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