Friday, July 10, 2009

Les Choristes - must-watch family movie

A blog reader Veronica previously suggested that Lesley-Anne might enjoy watching the movie Les Choristes. It's a 2004 French film about a failed composer Mathieu who became a supervisor at a boys' school for delinquents. In spite of the unsympathetic headmaster, Mathieu found a way to reach out to the boys by teaching them to sing. The movie became a sleeper hit.

It was a great suggestion, somehow it's just the type of story that's right up Lesley-Anne's alley. We arranged a family movie night and all sat down to watch the dvd. That she loved the movie was no surprise but what caught me off-guard was the discovery that Andre too enjoyed it tremendously. There are some hilarious moments in the movie and somehow, foreign language films are better able to take a sentimental script and make it moving, not sappy, like so many American movies. The singing is ethereal, especially the soloist's, and will touch a heart of stone. Les Choristes was nominated for and won a string of international awards.

Les Choristes became such a big hit that a live concert was organised featuring the same 13-year-old boy soprano who starred as the protagonist in the movie - Jean Baptiste Maunier. In the movie, he played Morhange, the bad boy. A teacher described him as "the face of an angel but spawn of the devil". Face of an angel is spot on - chiselled features, dimples and piercing eyes. With a pure, haunting voice.

Here's a video of one of my favourite songs in the show, Caresse sur l'océan (Caress of the ocean). Tell me your heart doesn't melt when Maunier sings!

This is another memorable song - Cerf-volant (The kite).

The songs are beautiful but even more meaningful if you've watched the movie. If you and your kids haven't caught it, go get the dvd - totally worthwhile! At last count, my kids have already re-watched it more than five times, that's how much they enjoy it. Thanks Veronica for the recommendation!

Need more persuasion? To end my shameless plug of the movie, here's a trailer.


  1. LOL...told you she would like it. Andre liked it? I sure hope he doesn't copy the antics of the boys in the show...Glad you all enjoyed it. I absolutely loved it, too.

  2. Hi, have been following your blog since day 1. I've 2 kids too, P1 dd and P3 ds. Both are studying in Yu Neng in bedok. I wanted to leave my comments on some of your posts but would you believe it, i only learnt how to do it today. Anyway, i was very interested in this movie that you recommended. I think my kids might like it since they actually enjoyed the old movie "Fiddler on the Roof". But I could not find it in TS shop. I hope you can let me know where to get the DVD. Thanks.

  3. Thanks Veronica.

    LS: Wow, Day 1? Thanks for being such a loyal reader! I think TS shop tends to carry only popular English movies, they cater more to Chinese and Korean serials. Perhaps you can try the more upmarket stores like HMV or Borders? Even Sembawang CD shop might have it. I'm thinking of just getting the soundtrack so Lesley-Anne can download onto her phone :)

  4. This show was aired on OKTO channel last yr (i think). I actually wanted to record it down but then, set the timer 1/2 hr short. Thus, we watch an *incomplete* version of Les Choristes...Grrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhh!!!

  5. We love this show too. Me, being the emotional one, even cried in some part of the show. J is in the sch choir, the coach started training them Cerf-volant during the June holiday. But, she is very sad as CCA has been suspented since last week, she misses singing.


  6. LadyB: Go get the dvd! You won't regret it, promise :)

    Chris: yah, some parts are very sad. Like Pepinot waiting every Sat for his father, aiyoh... Hope your dd's CCA resumes soon! Should lah, H1N1 now so widespread, cannot control any more, life will get back to normal.

  7. Mon, my spelling is so horrible, 'suspented', can die.......


  8. Monica: Yeah, will check it up when I can. Btw, do you know where can I get DVDs on musicals or live symphony concerts??? HMV?

    Chris: such a coincidence, my son is also in Choir.

  9. I love this movie. Gerard Jugnot who plays the part of Mathieu is one of my favorite French actor.

    For those interested, HMV used to (I haven't checked recently) have a good selection of foreign movies.


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