Thursday, June 17, 2010

We'll be right back after this break

Lately, I've been experiencing a slight case of Blogger's Burnout. Coupled with my workload that has been piling up (hey, it pays the bills!), it's been challenging to keep churning out those posts. Especially when I don't get feedback, I've no idea if what I'm writing is even remotely interesting to my readers. I know, commitment to a blog for the long haul is high maintenance - for both sides!

So I'm going to take a short hiatus from blogging for a while, maybe a couple of weeks. To be honest, not having to think about my posts for a bit is somewhat of a relief.

Hopefully with this break, I'll return refreshed and more motivated. Meanwhile, let me leave you with this quip from my laugh-a-minute Andre:

"Tongue depressors are just ice-cream sticks that have been washed."

He probably figures doctors have the best jobs in the world, what with getting to eat ice cream everyday. Don't you just love the fairy land mindset of kids? See you soon.


  1. I think the purpose of the blog is not mainly to cater for your readers. Rather I thnk you should asked yourself the main purpose why you started this blog. I guess to record every minute details that is worth remembering about your kids, yourself and your family. So that when you grow old, you will have something to read, to remember, to reminise. Or to pass down to your kids or grandchildren so that they will have a chance to read all the minute details of things happening in their (or their parents) growing up life. Hopefully then the juice will just naturally flow out...

  2. Really enjoyed reading your blog. Have a good break and see you soon!

  3. Anon: Recording memories of my kids are definitely one of the objectives of my blog but it can't be the only one, otherwise I would have just kept it a private blog. I've always hope to share learning experiences with other parents here as well and would like that to continue.

    Mrs Cheng: Thanks! Hope you're having a restful school hols as well :)

  4. Hey Mon, I am one faithful reader *bey paiseh* :-P. You can take break anytime, but remember to come back hor... I will wait patiently one :-P. Thanks for sharing your experience, I enjoy reading all your post.


  5. Chris! I've missed you leh... Thanks for your encouragement :)

  6. I will definitely miss your posts. I really enjoy reading yours and Lilian's posts. I can relate to you as my 2 kids are also very different. I didn't comment much in your blog but have faithfully read all posts since I started knowing your blog. Have a great break and enjoy your kids. Once again, you've been a fantastic mum who knows your priorities in life! Till we "meet" again, ciao.


  7. SL: I've been touched by your comments many times and I know we share the same challenge of bringing up polar opposite kids. See ya soon!

  8. Oh dear haven't read your blog for 10 days cos I was away without internet access and came upon this shocker. I really do enjoy reading your sharing on the blog.
    Do enjoy your well-deserved break and come back soon!


  9. Elan: I've missed you too! Without all you regulars, the blog just doesn't feel the same, you've been such an integral part of it. Hope you've had a great holiday, 10 days sounds so shiok!!

  10. Hi Mon,

    I was back from a holiday a couple of days ago but, aiyoh, even a reader can be so lazy to give comments cos it's the school holidays!

    Warning: Let this not be an indefinite break ok, else our withdrawal symptoms will start kicking in...


  11. SC: Awww... you're sweet lah. I'm back now and am refreshed although I'm experiencing holiday withdrawal symptoms now!

  12.'s Zelda here. Thanks for getting me in contact with Peter. My boys love him!!! It's great to see them playing without me forcing them to! Eh...don't stop blogging. You are my lifeline. Whenever I feel bored and stressed, I will always log on to your blog. Not to mention of all the advise and recommendations that you have so generously shared with us. My eldest really enjoy Mysterious Mr Benedict... and Charlie Small.
    Take a break...but only for a short while ok. Come back soon, and continue to enlighten us all!!!

  13. Zelda: I'm so glad to hear that Peter is a hit with your kids! He just seems to have that magic touch with boys.

    I wouldn't say "enlighten" lah, my method is mostly trial and error! But thanks so much for the encouragement and for continuing to tune in :)


I welcome comments, both positive and negative, as long as they're not inflammatory or hostile. This is a personal blog, not a forum, so I have the right not to publish any anonymous comments. I think it is basic courtesy to at least leave a name. All ads (even those disguised as comments) will be unceremoniously deleted and marked as spam. My blog, my rules. With that, thanks for reading!