Thursday, June 24, 2010

We interrupt this break with... a break

While I was on my blogging break, I took a little real world break with my family at Resorts World. Then armed with loads of photos and bursting with fabulous holiday memories, I thought, "what do I do with all these?" Blog about them, of course, irony of ironies.

So here I am, on my break from blogging, blogging. But since it's on my travel blog and not this one, it doesn't count, right? What an over-thinker's nightmare.

In short, I'll be writing a three-post installment on my brief staycation, the first one is up. And just to clarify, I'm still on my break. Meanwhile, you have something new to read if you're one of my fabulous fans (mwah!!) so everybody wins.

Enjoy the last weekend of the school holidays!


  1. i'm a fan!!!!!!!!! so, i gotta go your travel blog to get my fix ah...? *drags lazy feet*

  2. Keke... you have virtual feet? Anyway, luv ya!

  3. Hi Monica,
    Can I double check?
    the hotel you guys went to in RWS is Hard Rock Hotel? the one with the megapool? Looks great for kids!

  4. Sarah: Yes, it's Hard Rock Hotel. You can read about it on my Travel blog. Highly recommended for kids!


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