Thursday, March 19, 2009

A picture of poise and grace

Warning: image heavy post!

So this week, in addition to Andre's piano exam, Lesley-Anne had her Grade 4 ballet exam. (Holiday? What holiday??) I didn't grow up learning ballet, so when Lesley-Anne started going for ballet exams, it was a complete surprise to me that so much work went into preparations on the day of the exam itself.

We had to be there an hour before the exam time. First - hair. Getting the hair into a perfect bun takes a good 20 minutes. It's held up by a tonne of gel and hair spray, and some 16 hair pins. (See all the products on the table?)

By the time it's done, not a strand is moveable even if she did a series of cartwheels. It takes two thorough shampoos to release the bun after.

Next, shoes. By Grade 4, the girls wear ribbon shoes and these have to be tied perfectly so that they don't come loose during the exam. Here's Lesley-Anne's teacher applying her expert skills.

Then it's last minute brushing of shoes and ironing of character skirts to ensure that everything is picture perfect.

There's just something about ballet that makes it such an alluring subject for art and photography. I suspect that's why it's such a favourite among masters like Degas - even unposed, ballerinas generally look angelically graceful and elegant.

Before exams, Lesley-Anne's ballet teacher usually gets the girls to pose for pictures. This series of pictures are of Lesley-Anne's exam group. They look happy and their nerves didn't show at all (believe me, they were nervous!)

These next photos are with their character skirts and shoes.

I think you can tell these three girls are great friends.


  1. Lesley-Anne looks so lovely in these pictures. I love her smile and poise. You must be very proud :)

  2. Yes I am! I think her love for ballet shines through.

  3. Wow! Lesley-Anne looks so poised ad graceful. Ballet really is the stuff of dreams for young girls. And it's so nice to share what you love with friends! These pictures will hold such great memories for her when she looks back!

  4. Ad: Can you believe the girl on the extreme right in the last pic is 2 whole years younger than L-A?? I guess L-A has my small stature :P The one in the middle is 1 year younger, L-A is the oldest of the three.

    Speaking of poise, a mother was telling me she asked this 7-yr-old who came out of the exam room, "Did you talk?" (The younger ones especially have been warned not to talk in the exam room). The girl replied earnestly, "No I didn't talk. But I farted." ROTFL!!! The mother had to try very hard control her laughter, it was so hilarious!

  5. She looks great! It's actually really good exercise cos have a friend who is in her late 50s and a ballet teacher and she is super flexible and toned still.

    Huh, 2 years younger??? Wow.

  6. Eunice: I know! Some of my friends who took ballet as kids are so flexible I'm envious. Not like me, who's starting to feel the creaks :(

  7. To get rid of the bun, lots of conditioner at first wash, and then followed by shampoo.
    Wow, the girls looked so poised and pretty. Who would have thought they were going for exam next?

  8. There is adult ballet which I took for a while but after first lesson, couldn't walk down stairs. Ouch! I too creak....

  9. Wow! All three gals look so lovely in pink, especially L-A!


  10. Hey Mon. You must be so proud of L-A! She looks really GORGEOUS too!.

    Wow... what an accomplished 12 year old!

    Taekwondo, Art, Piano and Ballet! What else have I missed out?

    Andre has his strengths and merits too! Piano, Badminton and most importantly, having a very positive personality which is so important.:)

  11. Thank you all you wonderful ladies! I'm sure L-A is very flattered to hear all the compliments :)


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