Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A distinction for Andre

Only a short one today. I marvel at bloggers who can consistently put out one or more than one post a day. Don't you ever run out of steam?

Today, Andre received his results for his Grade 1 practical piano exam and he scored a Distinction!! We are so very proud of him. Although we've always underscored the point that it's the enjoyment of the music that counts, I think it's a great boost to his morale.

While Andre is generally a happy-go-lucky child, he occasionally gets flashes of insight that he's not as bright or accomplished as his go-getter sister. Sometimes, he can't even get simple instructions right.

A case in point, last Thursday, he came home from school and told me he needed to cut out pictures from magazines and newspapers. "Pictures of what?" I asked. "Anything," he replied. I knew that made absolutely no sense - why on earth would his teacher ask him to cut out pictures of anything? But he insisted it was correct. So we helped him cut out some pictures. The next day after school, he told me sheepishly, "I did it wrong. I need pictures of things with flat surfaces." Don't ask me how "pictures of things with flat surfaces" became "pictures of anything", but that's Andre for you. Just the other day, Kenneth asked him if he needed spectacles for his ears.

So a distinction for his piano exam will definitely help to heighten his self-esteem. Part of the credit has to go to his piano teacher, Uncle Peter, who makes lessons and music fun for him, as I mentioned in an earlier post. According to Uncle Peter, Andre asked for a lollipop as a reward. He even specified the size. My son has simple pleasures!


  1. Well done Andre! When the crunch comes, you rise to the occasion, all the rest of the time, play lah...excellent approach!

    Monica: I go for weeks without posting a single entry. Eg this year I went MIA during American Idol season, and I would still be MIA if Big Brother UK hadn't ended and Youtube hadn't yanked my favourite Korean drama off its site.

  2. Actually, you've hit the nail on the head. Andre does ok in exams but the rest of the time, can give you a heart attack.

    AI, yes I know you are a Jason Castro fan! I 'heart' David Cook, right from the auditions, so I'm happy with the outcome :)

  3. Congratulations, Andre!! Well done!!

  4. Congrats Andre! And I'm sure more will be coming your way!

    I read somewhere that the second-born is the artistic one, while the first-born is always more linguistically inclined.


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