Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Job opportunity - Content Creator/Copywriter

Update 6 May 2018: I have changed the job specs slightly and extended the deadline to 17 May.

Last year, I listed job vacancies for copywriters with my agency, Hedgehog Communications. I took on two candidates and thought that would shore up capacity for at least a year or two. As it turned out, we were so blessed that business grew faster than I expected and here I am, looking for people again, six months later.

Here are the details of the job. If you fit the bill, or you know anyone who does, please feel free to write in.

Content Creator/Copywriter

We are looking for content creators and copywriters able to write original and engaging copy. Priority will be given to those who have written for online channels, including websites and social media. However, we are also seeking copywriters for print media, such as annual reports, brochures, newsletters and advertising campaigns.

Job requirements

• You should have at least five years of professional writing experience.
• You should have written for online and print media, with a portfolio of published articles (letters to ST Forum page do NOT count).
• Ideally, you should be comfortable with the digital environment, and familiar with SEO practices. If you are not, you should be prepared to undergo a course on SEO writing.
• Since this is a writing position, you should be able to use words as a tool to communicate clearly and simply. You will sometimes need to help clients organise their content in a way that makes sense for the reader.
• Needless to say, you should be a stickler for grammar.
• You should be able to adapt your writing style to suit different types of clients/industries.

Do you fit the profile of a Hedgie?

• Reliable, reliable, reliable – we always deliver quality work on time. This is non-negotiable.
• Flexible – this is essentially a freelance arrangement and the work may come in bursts and spurts, so you’ll need to be prepared to toggle between chiongster and chill modes.
• Take pride in our work – we believe that the work we do is meaningful both to us and to our clients.
• Responsive and professional – we work directly with clients and need to assure them that they are in good hands.
• Eager to improve and learn – our team of very senior writers is always ready to mentor and guide other hedgies in industries/collaterals that they may be less familiar with.
• Genuine, loyal and honest – this has nothing to do with work and everything to do with being a great human being.
• Team player – we regularly work in teams on projects, so it’s important that we look out for one another and enjoy each other’s company.
• Good sense of humour – we take our work very seriously, but ourselves, not so much.

How to apply

Let us know why you would like to join Hedgehog Communications. Along with your reasons, please submit your cv and a portfolio or links to your published work. Send your application to by Thursday, 17 May 2018.

About Hedgehog Communications
With 16 years in the business, Hedgehog Communications is one of the most established copywriting agencies in Singapore, especially for the public sector. We have helped clarify and simplify written communications for more than 100 organisations, both in Singapore and internationally. We currently have a team of 13 copywriters from diverse backgrounds and experience, most of whom have at least 10 years of communication or corporate experience. All our copywriters work on a freelance basis.

We have built a reputation based on quality, reliability and timely delivery.

Why join Hedgehog Communications

• Get the opportunity to write for major clients and be involved in national level projects.
• Enjoy the flexibility of a freelance arrangement without having to report to a physical office or adhere to fixed hours (SAHMs are welcome to apply).
• Focus on writing without having to worry about business and administrative aspects.
• Be paid competitive fees typically higher than the average freelance rate.
• Be part of a very dedicated and collaborative team (with a supportive boss).

Find out more about the philosophy and background of Hedgehog Communications.

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