Thursday, November 5, 2015

Celebrating local writers

This past week, the civic district was all abuzz with writers, writing and writers talking about writing. Yes, it's the annual Singapore Writers Festival!

I was part of a panel last Sunday, for the session "Help, My Son Doesn't Read", together with Sherlock Sam authors Adan Jiminez and Felicia Low, as well as Paro Anand from India. The session was moderated by Adeline Foo.

We shared tips on how to get reluctant readers hitting the books and also our recommendations on books for boys. The venue was great - some attendees were right at home in the bean bags.

Looks like this boy's parents don't need the session! Good choice of book :D 

Taking questions from the audience.

A surprise attendee - Lesley-Anne's previous ballet teacher, Ms Chew! One of her sons is a reluctant reader and she wanted to see if she could garner some tips on how to motivate him. What a wonderfully supportive mum. 

I hope some of you managed to bring your kids down - the SWF For Families portion features so many fun activities for children. If you haven't, try to make it this weekend (the Festival ends this Sunday, 8 November).


  1. It was good to see you too! am so glad that I made time to go down for the talk. I felt more relax and encouraged after that session. Thanks for all the advice.

  2. Ms Chew: Thanks for making the time to come down! Glad you found the session useful. Appreciate the support very much :)


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