Monday, February 17, 2014

Mums@Work weigh in on The Good, the Bad and the PSLE

Mums@Work is an online career portal for working mothers and mumpreneurs, set up by dynamic mumpreneur Sher-Li Liew, who wanted to empower mothers to find flexi work, work from home or set up their own businesses.

I take my hat off to Sher-Li - she gives seminars and workshops, negotiates with the authorities for support for working mums, counsels women while at the same time raising two young kids. Truly a living example of the empowered mother!

Mums@Work wrote a review of The Good, The Bad and the PSLE in their recent e-newsletter:

Our Review:
Enough has been said about the ill-effects of our stressful education system on our children in Singapore, therefore it was truly enjoyable to read a book that accurately depicted the trials & tribulations that a Singaporean mum might face. Parts of it made me laugh out loud, while other chapters were thought-provoking. Ling (the lead character) is both charming and engaging. Reading her adventures of adapting parenting styles to suit her 2 children's different personalities was entertaining and heartwarming. A must-read for parents of school-going children in Singapore. It certainly helps to know you are not alone!

Epigram Books told me that the book is the most borrowed book in the library among their catalogue of books. I had mixed feelings when I heard the news. On one hand, it means people want to read my book (yay!) but on the other hand, it means they're not buying it (nooo!)

If you've yet to read the book, I hope you will take the time to do so. It's now available on Book Depository at a pretty attractive price. And free shipping to anywhere in the world! You can't get a better deal than that :)  


  1. how about an electronic version of your book? i think it would be easier for purchase...

  2. I think an e-book version is in the pipeline.

  3. i just bought from book depository in case the ebook version doesnt come :)

    a further 10% discount now at bookdepository.

  4. Cool! Yeah, the ebook will probably take a while :)


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