Thursday, March 22, 2012

Song and dance

This was a crazy March holidays for Lesley-Anne, if you could call it a holiday at all. As luck would have it, Lesley-Anne's ballet exam fell on a Thursday, the day right after her Grade 8 piano exam. A couple of years ago, she'd faced the same situation and I'd written about the stress of it all. Funny how we never seem to learn from our past!

As if that's not challenging enough, Lesley-Anne had to be at Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) for the entire week just before the exams. This was unplanned for and I was apprehensive just thinking about all the injuries she might come home with. To be honest though, it was less about the hurt and more about having to miss the exams. "Don't you dare sprain your ankles, wrists or fingers!" I warned. Yeah, me the warm and fuzzy mum.

She had a whale of a time at OBS, which surprised me as she is as un-outdoorsy as they come. Even though she had to kayak for 7 hours straight and trek for 6 hours carrying a 15kg backpack, she really enjoyed herself. I guess being independent in the outdoors, having to look after yourself without the comfort of home, does something to boost your self-confidence. I think it's a fantastic experience.

Thankfully too, she came back unscathed, except for some mosquito bites and scabs, so the ballet exam could proceed as scheduled.

Lesley-Anne took her Grade 6 ballet exam this year. The usual preparations:

Doing up the hair in a stiff, immobilised bun.

Polishing her shoes.

This is Lesley-Anne's exam group, comprising four girls. In higher grades, you wear a chiffon skirt over your leotard (except for barre exercises).

These are the Polish character skirts.

Finally, the nail-biting wait outside the exam room. You would have thought the girls would be used to this, having been through many previous exams, but nooo.... they were pretty jittery.

Last minute instructions from the teacher.

According to Lesley-Anne, the exam didn't quite go quite as impeccably as they'd hoped. She described it as a comedy of errors with each girl taking turns to make mistakes, prompting mistakes by the other three.

But it's over! Finally, she could enjoy what's left of the holidays, and what better way to celebrate than with a tall, cold glass of Milo.

I think my daughter is growing up to be a gorgeous girl :)


  1. Agree! Very gorgeous indeed :D

  2. Lilian: Thanks! I not shy ah :D

  3. Indeed she is a gorgeous girl, 棋琴书画, 载歌载舞 is every parent's dream for their daughter to be 闺秀. Congrats for bringing up a gorgeous girl! God bless and shy not as a wonderful parent too!


  4. Thanks QX! You're always so generous with your compliments :) Your Chinese so advanced, I had to google translate what you said, haha. I guess we didn't start out thinking she needed to learn all the artistic stuff but she just naturally gravitated towards music and dance. Since it's her interest, we just provide the support :)

  5. Mon, I am not sure if I am generous with everyone, I believe my words are only appropriate for those who deserve and the words are prompted by God. :)


  6. QX: You're very sweet, I truly appreciate your words :)

  7. Yes agreed with all, L-A is gorgeous!!!

  8. oops, sorry Mon, think I forgot to sign off my name, this is Chris. Your daughter really gorgeous!! Smart, pretty and multi-talented!!



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