Saturday, December 31, 2011


31 December 2011, New Year's Eve

Dearest Lesley-Anne

Often, I marvel at how I managed to have a daughter like you. I thank God for your selflessness, how you're always putting others ahead of you. Sometimes I worry it will allow others to take advantage of you but I have to trust that God will bless you with the accompanying wisdom to discern good from bad, and continue to guide your path.

You're mature beyond your years, thoughtful and bright, tempered with a dollop of level-headedness. I'm constantly amazed by your discipline, sensitivity, and most of all, your godliness. At the same time, your feistiness (I know I often call it pig-headedness) keeps you from being bland.

My wish for you this New Year is that you will delight in new experiences, not to be afraid to try something different, even if you risk making a fool of yourself. I know the world seems like a scary place and people can be mean, but choosing what is safe because it's familiar is no way to live your life.

I pray that you will let go of your defence mechanism, move out of your comfort zone and open up more to others. Expect more of yourself - you'll be surprised at what you can achieve. It's not about getting to know yourself better because who you are is not carved in stone. You are a work in progress and it is only by embracing life and whatever is thrown at you, that you will grow in depth as a human being.

You are an incredible young lady and I'm truly grateful to have a daughter like you.




Dearest Andre

Where do I begin? You are such a (big) bundle of joy. I thank God for your spontaneity, your big heart and your eagerness to please. I live for all your hugs and kisses, given with such unadulterated affection.

Sometimes I worry about your innocence, how you're so unaware of the ways of the world and how you wear your heart on your sleeve. But I know it's this quality that makes you so genuine and lovable, and it's what draws people to you. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You keep me young because you keep me laughing! Without even trying.

For 2012, I wish for you patience - something we will both need in the PSLE year. I know that for someone who's always living for the moment, it will be an incredibly difficult lesson for you - to work towards a goal that seems so far away, and a reward that beckons only with hope, not promises.

But I pray that in this process, you will learn that diligence builds character (ugh, I know, I sound like the father in Calvin & Hobbes) and that you will come to understand it's the journey, not the end result, that will enrich your life.

May your generous spirit never diminish. When people around you judge you or try to make you feel less of a person, I hope you will always be secure in the knowledge that you are a champ in every sense of the word.

You are a blessing to many and I thank God that you have been entrusted to me.




  1. So incredibly sweet. Two great kids who are extremely lucky to have an amazing mum like you! God bless all of you this coming year and always <3

  2. Lilian: Likewise, likewise! Here's wishing you and your lovely family a 2012 that's full of health, happiness, wealth (ahem, how to forget wealth) and laughter!

  3. Hi Monica,
    I have always been a lurker at your blog. You write wonderfully and beautifully well.. encapsulating the simplicities of life but the essence never goes unnoticed. Thank you for sharing all your thoughts and experiences with raising 2 very lovely children with us. My elder girl will be in P5 next year and my son P3... I am looking forward to new challenges & I hope I don't lose my identity and theirs in the midst of academic pursuits... it is so easy to be caught up and we forget the forest by just focusing on the trees !
    Just want to drop a note to say the letters are incredibly heart-warming! Wishing you and your family a very blessed year ahead!

    ~ Just another mum :)

  4. Thanks so much for your warm comments! Raising kids in this ultra competitive environment can be stressful but it has so many rewards too. I hope you will enjoy every minute with your kids and here's wishing you and your family a very blessed 2012!

  5. So sweet and touching! *wipe tears*


  6. SL: Awww... happy 2012 to you!

  7. That's really sweet, Mon. You have 2 wonderful kids and you are one mother who is so generous in sharing! God Bless you and your family!

    Love, Chris

  8. Hi Monica

    This is the first time I had come across your blog while searching for "book to recommend for 9-years old". You wrote beautifully in every of your lovely and touching thoughts, notes, experiences and comments!

    I really love your letters to your 2 wonderful kids; indeed you are a "great mum"! I was really very very touch while reading it. (eyes red!) It was amazing!

    Just want to thank you for your thoughts, experience and recommendation that you had given to all the readers. I always look forward to read your blog, if not, I felt I didn't have my "drugs" today! :D

    A Happy New Year to you and your family! And May all your wishes (in the letter) come true!

    Linda Ong

  9. Linda: Thanks so much for your lovely compliments! I gather you are a parent too, so here's wishing you lots of precious and memorable moments with your kids... and of course, a happy new year!

  10. More words of wisdom from a wise mummy!


  11. Thanks QX! Let me take this opportunity to wish you a very happy 2012 :)

  12. Wishing you and your family a very happy 2012 too! :)

    PS: I am yet to try that French restaurant...have not found time to revisit the reservation process. So one of my target in 2012 is to try it!

  13. Ohh, good luck with that, put it as one of your New Year resolutions!! I'm trying to find a date to go back too :)

  14. Yes need luck indeed! If God wills, we may hit on the same don't be surprised if someone taps your shoulder and says: "Hello Mon!" ;p


  15. Gosh, that would be hilarious indeed!!

  16. Come to think of it, at the rate your blog is getting the exposure, I am sure you have been spotted before somewhere in SG, just don't know if anyone has gone up to you to tap your shoulder to say hi. This is the courage I don't have like you....I cannot take the heart attack of people knowing me and I don't know them. I am good to be a small fry for life... LOL.


  17. QX: As a matter of fact, someone did come up to me once and said she recognised me from my blog. It did feel strange... However, I think only a very small minority of SGeans read my blog and an even smaller portion would recognise me! I do hope though that if I'm recognised on the street, it's not when I'm doing something awful like yelling at my kids :P

  18. Very lovely, Monica. I'm inspired to write to my boys now...but I know the words won't be as nice as yours!

    Happee blessed new year!


  19. Jo: A very blessed new year to you too! And yes, do write to your boys. Words don't have to be nice, they'll appreciate the sincerity :)

  20. Here is wishing you and your family a very happy new year and all the success in your pursuits.
    Very well written, inspiring as always!

  21. Good to hear from you, Veena. A very happy and blessed New Year to you too!


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