Monday, December 19, 2011

Andre's belated birthday sleepover

Andre's birthday is in October and he wanted another sleepover like he did last year. However, since we were in the midst of moving house and a million other things, I told him he could have his party belated, after we'd returned from NZ.

So last Wed, a few of his friends came over for the first (and maybe last?) sleepover in our new home.

I really didn't have the time or energy to plan anything elaborate so I left them pretty much to their own devices. Pre-teen boys are actually reasonably easy to please. Eg, just plonk them in front of the tv and screen an action movie (Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull).

In case you're wondering, the pile of snacks was not provided by me, it was brought by a chip-o-holic boy whose mum generously catered enough for the whole group.

Of course, there's the computer. You can't pry boys away from pc games with a crowbar.

From experience, when you coop hyperactive boys indoors for too long, they start to go a little manic, so we brought them to the pool.

Not much swimming occurred, it was more a water brawl.

Dinner was simple fare al fresco - spaghetti and fried chicken wings. When I took this picture, one of the boys called out in alarm, "no, no, must delete the picture!" When I asked why, he replied, "If not, my mother will see that I ate too many chicken wings." LOL!

Cake time! My little boy is now 11 (well, for 2 months now).

I sent the boys to bed at 11pm, thinking that the chatting will continue for another hour. However, by midnight, we were still hearing laughter and loud thuds, prompting a tired Kenneth to ask me, "what on earth are they doing??"

We found out the next morning that at midnight, they decided it would be a good idea to stage a WWE match. Go figure! They finally fell asleep only at 1am but that didn't stop them from jumping up at the crack of dawn to play more computer games.

Kenneth was hoping to get a shot of them asleep but no chance. This was the scene that greeted him at 7am.

After breakfast, the boys made the most of the remaining time by having a game of table tennis and yet another dip in the pool.

You know the party was a success when the boys complain that their parents came to fetch them too soon.

I know it's very belated but I hope you had a very Happy Birthday, my dear kumara chip!


  1. Sleepover party seems like a fun idea. Unfortunately our house is too small to organise that. I have no place for the to sleep would be more like sardine pack arrangement if we were to try it.

    Thanks for sharing the joy of it, perhaps just one fine day I may find a solution to it....perhaps hammock? LOL


  2. QX: Andre's room is small too, just enough to fit 2 single mattresses on the floor after we move the bed to one side. Hard to believe we could fit 4 boys there. But in a sleepover, nobody really sleeps, so just go for it!

  3. Yes I would really love to organise one but need to crack my head on logistics. Yours truly here botched up on the design of her room. Maximise every usage of space and the bed is a real fixture, cannot be moved. LOL!!

    Nevertheless, I die-die will try to solve the problem when I get there after looking at how much fun Andre had. :)


  4. qx: maybe 2 girls can share the bed, to maximise space? that's what the boys ended up doing in the night when they found it was more comfortable there!

  5. Yes you are right! I think 2 girls have to share the bed but after that fitting the rest is a tricky one as there is hardly room even to walk!! When I come to it, maybe I have to draw you a map and ask for more advice. :)



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