Friday, June 3, 2011


Just a light-hearted post to end a hectic work week!

Over the years, Andre has been entertaining our household with his off-the-wall quips, often without meaning to. I sometimes post these "Andre-isms" on Facebook but I thought I would just compile some of them here, so I can remember them and refer back when I need a good laugh.


Andre: "That's the shop with all the fake women."
Lesley-Anne: "They're called mannequins."


Andre: "Is Labour Day when all the mothers remember how painful it was during labour?"


Andre trips and falls on his butt in front of his classmates.

Teacher: "Are you alright?"
Andre (dusting himself off): "It's ok, it runs in the family."


Me: "You ate fried food again?!"
Andre: "Popcorn chicken is not fried! All the sauce made it soggy."


Andre to me: "I'm lucky because you're quite clever and I have your genes."


Andre (after being berated by me for a sub-par assessment paper): "Even though you scold me, I still love you."

Ok, so this last one is not funny in the least, but I really think I have the sweetest son.



  1. In time to come when you hv collected enough, it can be a collection of original snippets of andre's growing up thoughts. Hilarious!!! LOL


  2. Thanks QX! He provides the much-needed comic relief in this household :)

  3. Hee hee...Andre is the best lah! My favourite is the "fake women" one :D

  4. Lilian: Haha, that one made me do a double take, for a moment I was like huh? He knows about fake women? Then... duh!

  5. Mon, he is so funny lah! Responding to his 2nd question, I do remember Labour day because of labour pain, because I was in labour during Labour day! LOL...


  6. Chris: Hahaha, that's so literal it's hilarious!


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