Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lesley-Anne turns 14!

My darling girl is 14! Her birthday was on Sunday but as someone who hates fuss and frills, she opted for a simple celebration.

We chose to have dinner at Ichiban Boshi, which we love as the food is great and very reasonably priced. Ever since we discovered this restaurant, we've stopped going to Sushi Tei. They have several branches but we decided to try out the branch at Marina Bay Financial Centre Link Mall.

The sashimi is fresh and the beef is simply excellent - tender and very tasty.

For dessert, we went to Marble Slab Creamery. It's all the rage now, custom ice cream with toppings mixed on a marble top. Here's the service staff at work.

And a very impatient boy watching the process. "Finding the happiness within"? Perhaps.

This was Lesley-Anne's portion. She chose the Cookie Dough Drizzle, which is aptly made with Birthday Cake flavour ice cream, chocolate chip cookie dough, Oreos and fudge. Gooey with bits of crunch and a generous infusion of sugar. Yumm... one scoop is more than enough, I think.

At the mall, we spotted a Swiss Bake cafe and bought a small birthday cake to take home. Lesley-Anne chose the Raspberry White Chocolate flavour.

And so, another year has passed, my little girl is steadily and surely becoming a full-fledged teenager. Happy birthday, Lesley-Anne, stay your sweet self always!


  1. Happy Birthday, Lesley Anne.
    Like you, we've ditched Sushi Tei for Ichiban Boshi too :o)

  2. Cindeeeee!!!!! Long time no see. I remember we first met up at Sushi Tei, time to switch now!

  3. Blessings, Lesley Anne! Time flies!

  4. EG: Yes it does! Must treasure every moment. Your first comment here, eh?

  5. Happy birthday, lesley-anne!! You're 14 -- I can still remember visiting your mum at the hospital when you're born.... how time flies!!

  6. Hooi Ming: Time flies too quickly lah, I see both our first-borns and think, weren't they still toddlers and sitting on the sofa together just yesterday? Think we'll still be reminiscing when they get married!

  7. I've wished you on Facebook but Happy 14th Birthday again sweet girl :D You're such a blessing to your parents but you guys are just growing up too fast :( TOO FAST!! STOP!!

  8. Lilian: I know!!! I want an elixir that can bring them back to when they're 6. Temporary effects of course but to be used whenever we're feeling nostalgic :)

  9. Happy blessed 14th, Lesley-Anne! (Watch out for that elixir!! :p )

  10. Happy birthday to a fine young lady...!


  11. Oh dear, sorry I'm a week late...

    Happy belated Birthday, Lesley-Anne!! 生日快乐!!^_^


  12. Happy Belated Birthday L-A...

    Time flies....when I got to know about her she was quite a little girl on the blog....in P5? Gosh...I am getting old... LOL


  13. QX: We all are!! Yes, it's been 3 years, can you believe it?


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