Monday, February 21, 2011

Hugs and kisses

Andre's notoriously bad at birthdays. I predict he'll become one of those boyfriends who get into trouble for forgetting their significant other's special day and insist on getting married on Christmas/Valentine's Day/National Day just so he wouldn't have to remember anniversaries.

This year, he completely forgot my birthday (once again). If there are kids reading this, let me alert you to this very important fact: FORGETTING YOUR MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY IS A CARDINAL SIN. It's in the Mother's Bible which your mum received when she was in labour with you. You break that rule, she has the right to remind you loudly about your erroneous ways at strategic moments (when you're in school surrounded by your friends, for instance).

To Andre's credit, to make up for his oversight, instead of rushing to produce a 5-minute spontaneously scribbled birthday card, he spent a whole morning creating this:

Umm... a tissue box? Ah but it's not just any old tissue box. Inside, he'd filled it with little scraps of paper, each with the picture of a pair of hands or lips.

The idea is, anytime I felt like it, I could draw out a piece of paper and if it showed hands, I would get a hug from him. If it showed lips, I would get a kiss. I've used it quite extensively so far and it never gets old.

The best part? Andre assures me the gift will never expire. ♥♥♥


  1. Awww! Andre's the sweetest. Happy belated birthday, Mon!


  2. Aww...this is the sweetest sweetest gift ever ! I love all my hugs & kisses from my kids !

  3. Thanks ladies! Yeah, I never get tired of hugs & kisses from my kids :)

  4. Awwwwww sweetest thing ever! And you think he'll get into trouble with his future gfs? Nolah, this one is sweet-talker, charmer and lady-killer, all in one power package!

  5. Lilian: He's affectionate lah, I'll give him that. But his future gfs aren't getting my box! That's Miiiiiiinnnnnee, hehe.

  6. Sweet little boy. So this time you did not go anyway to eat to celebrate your birthday? Sometimes, the places you recommend are really worth to go. Happy Belated Birthday to you too.

    ~ my

  7. Thanks MY! Hubby brought me to Level 33 at Marina Bay Sands Financial Centre. The executive set lunch is terrific value and the food was awesome. Worth a try!

  8. omg that's soooo sweet! i think it's wonderful that he can think of something for you from his heart. beats buying a gift anytime! happy birthday! (oh, that's past oreadi... don't need a kiss from me right..?) - kjj

  9. KJJ: Yeah, beats a bought gift anytime. No need kiss from you lah but here's a virtual one for you!*muah*

  10. Like I always believe, Andre is a very sweet boy! Well, my birthday wishes to you may be a tad late ;-P, but nevertheless, I wish you forever beauty and great health!


  11. Happy Belated Birthday, Mon!

    So guilty lah, I forgot my hubby's birthday this morning. How I found out? Son no. 2 called hubby's mobile no. using the school's public phone to wish him 'Happy Birthday'. That's during recess, after his CA1 EL paper. Hubby's heart is filled with honey now. I guess the CA1 results (predictably bad) don't matter now.


  12. SC: Keke, so you have to be specially nice to your dh tonight lah. Who asked him to have a birthday during CA1?? Your son is so sweet :)

  13. He is cleverer than my academically-inclined ds1 for this. I can change Ikea's tagline to 'Ýou don't have to be good to be clever.' for him.


  14. SC: Often, EQ is more important than IQ so you're blessed!


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