Tuesday, December 7, 2010

MILK and purple hearts

Continuing on the topic of CIP, Lesley-Anne spent the whole of last Sunday volunteering for the MILK Fund's Purple Hearts event at Plaza Singapura. MILK stands for Mainly I Love Kids and it's a wonderful charity organisation that reaches out to disadvantaged kids and youths.

Basically for the event, every $2 donation buys you an origami purple heart which is then attached to a Christmas tree at the atrium. The target is 30,000 hearts over this Christmas season.

Throughout the day, Lesley-Anne performed various tasks such as preparing the balloons, giving out free packets of tissue, folding the paper hearts and asking for donations.

It also helped that there were other kids there and after the 10-hour session when we returned to pick her up, she was laughing, chatty and I could see that she had really enjoyed volunteering at this event.

Here she is in action!

It's a worthwhile cause so if you're ever in the Plaza Singapura vicinity, do contribute a paper heart or two. I believe the event will carry through right up to Christmas.


  1. It's good that the school is implementing this CIP thingy. Whether the kids will learn or not, at least they have in one way or another contributed some service back to the society.


  2. Chris: Definitely true. And hopefully the kids will turn it into a lifelong habit.

  3. Everything looks so pretty! You guys have been pretty resourceful in finding events to volunteer in. Glad that LA had a good time too. And through your blog, you're also providing publicity to these charity groups that many of us have not heard of. So in that sense, lots of good has already come from the CIP! :)

  4. Lilian: Yeah, the decor is really pretty - puts you in the Christmas mood! Finding CIP ops is a lot of luck involved, L-A took the last vacancy for this one fortunately. I think pple are also in a more charitable mood at this time of the year so hopefully these charities will benefit!

  5. It is meaningful to do CIP during school holiday. Should implement this for all schools but I feel the schools should have a ready list of volunteer jobs available before holiday starts. Then the kids do not need to waste their time looking for jobs during holiday. Help the needy makes the kids more appreciative of the value in their volunteer work too. Better than staying at home idling.

    ~ my

  6. MY: CIP is worthwhile for sure. I'm not sure about other schools but for L-A, her schedule these hols have been so packed - morning to night for most days, no time for idling at all!

  7. She is only a seconday 1 going to 2student. How is she coping so far with the packed schedule? I thought usually kids these age may still like to think of having a good restful break and of course not to mention, have lots of fun and play during the holiday.

    ~ my

  8. MY: L-A is coping surprisingly well. I think it helps that she's enjoying all the activities, esp going back to school for band. Anyway, we're going on our holiday soon so it'll be chillin' time!


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