Monday, October 18, 2010

Sec 1 maths project on GST Offset Package

This is EOY (End of Year exams) season for secondary school kids and Lesley-Anne has been busy hitting the books. From what I see on Facebook, students have been complaining incessantly but really, they have it good compared to primary school.

For one, their school holidays will start much earlier - Lesley-Anne's begin about 2 weeks before Andre's and I'm dreading the inevitable whining from him. Secondly, exams are just one component in the calculation of the final grade. In Lesley-Anne's school, the grade takes into account numerous mini tests, assignments and projects done throughout the year, so it really is about being consistent. It also takes the pressure off the final exams somewhat.

One of the more interesting maths projects that Lesley-Anne had to do this year was to create a scenario to show the application of the GST Offset Package in a Singaporean family. The students could be as creative as they wanted but all workings had to be shown and they were limited to two pages. They were scored on creativity, presentation and accuracy of calculation.

Lesley-Anne decided to draw a cartoon and named her protagonist Andre (who's apparently a math whiz!) Notice also that she drew the parents as hopeless with their finances. Hmm...
Gst Offset

I thought it was fun and apparently her teacher thought so too cos she was one of the two or three in her class who received 15/15 for the project. Maths is still Lesley-Anne's weaker subject so it helps to have this project pull her grade up. She claims Andre brought her luck. Maybe he will feature in more of her assignments!


  1. The school that LA is in seems to be an ideal school to inculcate creatively. Thumbs up! Is her school very difficult to get in?

  2. Umm... don't think I want to comment on that but thankfully she got DSA :)

  3. The cartoon's so cute & funny ! Cracked me up ! Have been reading your posts but didn't comment as I was busy juggling the kids' exams and other activities. Our kids' school finishes exams earlier than most schools so they can enjoy the PSLE marking days when others have to study. I'm just relieved exams are over and I don't have to think about another round till next year :)

  4. Jo: Lucky you!! Andre has to spend the PSLE marking days mugging and of course I'm right there stressing with him!

  5. Super awesome comic strip!!! Love it LA :) I was about to ask you to calculate our taxes next year, I'm sure there are savings I'm missing out on :P Please....? :)

  6. Lilian: Don't forget it's "Andre the mathematician" who did the calculations and I don't think you'll want him to do your taxes :D

  7. Hmmm...I recall you once said LA wished she had an older there a certain mathematically-inclined boy she wishes was her brother hahahahahahahha :P rofl!!

  8. Lilian: No lah, this is looking into the future mah... the mum here is 49 years old, it's DEFINITELY not me!!!

  9. Very interesting drawing!! and so informative too!! *Both thumps up*



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