Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thunderstorms and ♥ ♥ ♥

Today, 30 September, is the day Kenneth and I mark our wedding anniversary. 15 years! If you're expecting a lovey dovey soliloquy on love, then you've stumbled on the wrong blog. Go visit some other blogger with a more Strawberry Shortcake-type disposition.

Here are my thoughts on the subject: If you can survive 15 years of marriage without killing each other, chances are you're in a good place. The familiarity that might have been boring in the earlier years has now become comforting, rather like an old blanket (it's a little worn but it's snuggly and comfortable and when it's not there, it doesn't feel right and you kinda miss it).

We celebrated the event last weekend and this year, our two wonderful kids even took the time to make us these gifts on the left. Lesley-Anne made the card and the furry blue heart.

Andre fashioned the heart-shaped bookmark where he wrote "M + D = ♥". Except his ♥ looked more like a black blob and I asked, "what's this? Mummy + Daddy = thunderstorm?" (psycho-analyse this however you like).

Incidentally, it's so much fun making the ♥ on the computer. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ like this! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ too much? ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ maybe just one more... ♥

This was what Lesley-Anne had written in the card:

I'm sure we don't deserve every single one of those 26 epithets (especially Zen) but when I think of how so many teenage kids feel their parents are a source of embarrassment to them, I'm so thankful to be appreciated.

I reckon that in the first 5 years of a marriage, people look for romance; the next 5 years, passion; the following 5 years, friendship; and beyond that, companionship. If you're lucky, you get all four. For me, I hit the jackpot cos I got two heaven-sent bonus gifts along with the full package.
"Keep the eyes wide open before marriage and half shut afterwards." - Benjamin Franklin


  1. Sooooo try your best not to sound lovey dovey haha...but this post is super lovey dovey saccharine shweeeeet. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KENNETH AND MONICA!

    And the kids are so sweet too. What a blessed family :)

  2. Thanks Lilian! Saccharine meh?? Cheh, now I must go yell at someone just for balance, keke.

  3. so, how DO you do those hearts??? (on the pc, not the physical cut n paste stuff)

    happy anniversary!
    rgds - kjj

  4. KJJ: Alternate + 3. ♥ Have fun!

  5. Happy 15th wedding anniversay!

    Btw, is this ROM or wedding day or both?


  6. Thanks QX! Both, we had a church ceremony.

  7. Coincidentally, 15 years ago, we were both busy with the same event, tying the knot, except that mine was ROM. 15 years seems a long time but I don't feel the duration...time flies...


  8. QX: Welcome to the decade-and-a-half club! If 15 years doesn't seem long to you, then it's a good sign cos time only flies when you're having fun :)

  9. Woohoo, 15years!! Happy belated anniversary!!

    Mon, your kids are really sweet!



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