Thursday, July 15, 2010

NAPFA score chart for secondary schools

As requested by Lilian, here are the NAPFA test score charts for secondary school/pre-U levels. Five of the items are the same as those at the primary school level, the only item that's different is the run/walk. At the primary school level, it's 1.6km. This goes up to 2.4km at the secondary school level. This is the item that couch potato kids tend to dread the most. Lesley-Anne scored a gold for NAPFA every year in primary school but for sec 1, she only managed a bronze, due to the 2.4km run/walk.

Boys and girls charts below (click on them to see enlarged versions). The scoring for gold, silver and bronze remains the same, details here.


  1. Thanks! The chart looks daunting eeeks. Look at the 2.4km times for boys!

  2. I know, esp when the age goes up. Very scary!

  3. if not how to go army?! then they will hear the famous "...even my grandmudder can lan faster dan U ah!!!" :)

  4. Hi! :)Can I ask, is it compulsory for students in Junior College, whether male or female, to take the NAPHA test?


  5. Yes Jean, it's compulsory even at JC level.

  6. Hello Monica,

    Thanks for posting the score chart!!:) was having a hard time finding it till i found your blog.


  7. Thank you Monica!

    Finally I am able to get a hold of this chart.

    It has been frustrating...the physical fitness of our Nation's boys are going down the slope, the percentage of NAPFA/IPPT failures in our NS boys and Reservists has never been higher...there's a huge cry about fitness and responsibility, building a resilient nation... etc etc by the various authorities...and the simplest thing like the "TOP SECRET" chart you have posted could not be found easily on the various ministries website....not even in the school's handbook.

    How does one expect parents to support in this endeavor...for a healthier nation...

    I'm impressed and motivated to know that there are still people who cares out there...keep up the good work!


  8. In secondary school, do they take the age by year or something else. For example my birthday is this month so do they take day, month or year

  9. Phoenixsoul: If I'm not mistaken, I think they cut off the date by the specific month, depending on when they administer the test.


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