Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A dash of salt and a dollop of love

During the June holidays, Lesley-Anne had a busy schedule, having to return to school for her band CCA about three times a week. Having seen how intensive a secondary school student's life is, I made a conscious effort to spend more time with Andre while I still could.

Inadvertently, most of our bonding sessions happened over food. After his badminton training, we would go for lunch at Subway where he would order his favourite turkey ham on honey oat bread, followed by a yummy double chocolate chip cookie.

While waiting for Lesley-Anne to finish her ballet lesson, we would sometimes hop over to a nearby cafe for coffee and cake. I'd make him bring a book so he could fit in some reading time.

It came as no surprise then that Andre started to show the physical aftereffects. In fact, after our short holiday at Resorts World, what with all the bingeing at Hard Rock Cafe, he was looking decidedly portly with a "prosperous" tummy. Even an intensive badminton training schedule wasn't enough to neutralise the outcome.

We teased him mercilessly over this, especially when even his piano teacher noticed and commented on the difference. In his own defence, he pointed to the portion under his diaphragm and protested, "my stomach is here! It's not fat!" And then patting his beer gut, he explained, "I just have fat intestines."

I probably should exert more control over his diet but I've so enjoyed our mother-son sessions and bonding without food is only half the fun. Ah well, the holidays are over so he can now work off all those extra calories... in time for the next vacation.


  1. erm, how abt healthier eating... or both of u share portions? then at least, the boy isn't portly alone --- more bonding!!! *evil grin*

  2. KJJ: You evil lah, with my sluggish metabolic rate, sure peng san! Somehow "let's go for salad!" doesn't sound very enticing...

  3. Stupid Blogger, not you, BLOGGER the company. I left two comments and they disappeared.

    Anyway, I was saying Andre looks really bak-bak and cute. But no worries lah, he's so fit, just look at his NAPFA 1.6km time, puts me to shame :P

  4. Lilian: I know! Ann has the same problem, now I wonder how many comments have "disappeared". Maybe my readers think I'm very atas, ignore their comments :P

    Andre's NAPFA not enough to run down the tummy leh and you're the one to talk, 7km 3x a week!! Phhhwwwaaahhhh!!

  5. Hey actually I post quite a few comments in the past too..but they seem to have disappeared into thin air too. Now I prefer to be a silent reader... Don't worry so much abt Andre's size. Kids have high metabolism rate. They gain weight fast, they also lose weight very fast esp when they are sick!

    ~ my

  6. MY: Gosh, this is the first comment I've received from you for a long time so yes, seems like blogger has been gobbling up my comments!

    *waits patiently for Andre to lose weight*

  7. Hi Monica,
    Thanks for your timely reminder. Going through some precious moments with my 9yo at this moment. I blogged as a record of our 'moments' for keepsake and with the busyness of life, I often forget to keep it up.
    You're a GEM (Godly Encouragement for Moms!), thanks

  8. Sarah: Thanks for always being so encouraging! It's always easy to get caught up with stuff and forget to enjoy the moments - hope you're enjoying every minute with your 2 beautiful daughters :)


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