Monday, May 17, 2010

Badminton competition update

Over the weekend, Andre participated in a badminton competition for under-12 boys organised by a neighbourhood community centre. We expected it to be a small-scale affair - only a CC right? Boy, were we wrong! It attracted some 60 participants, many of whom were familiar faces from the inter-school tournaments.

Each match consisted of only one game of 21 points, no best of three. I suppose it was in the interest of time due to the larger than expected number of participants.

Round 1 was quite straightforward. Andre was matched against an inexperienced player and won the match easily, 21-4.

In Round 2, Andre met someone from his training academy. What are the odds! Here's a clip of the match, Andre is at the far end. He took the match, 21-11.

In Round 3, the two boys were quite evenly matched up but unfortunately, Andre got too kancheong and he gave away too many points by serving badly. Within this two-minute video clip, he served out three times. It cost him the match - 17-21. He was terribly disappointed, I suspect because he knew he could have won it. Winning this match would have moved him into the quarter-finals.

However, as we told Andre, it's all part and parcel of chalking up competition experience. This is the furthest he has ever gone in an individual competition and considering he has been playing competitively for less than six months, we thought getting to the third round was quite a credible achievement. It's a long journey yet and he's definitely going to face many more defeats, but hopefully also more triumphs.


  1. Good job Andre! You play very well for your age, I was very impressed. Keep practicing!


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