Wednesday, April 21, 2010

For a while now, I've been pondering over the need to change the url address of my blog. You see, isn't the easiest to commit to memory, especially as I'm well aware that my blog has actually nothing to do with hedgehogs.

How it happened was that when I first registered this blog, I tried a few urls and they were all taken. In my impatience, I decided to just use the name of my business, which is Hedgehog Communications. I didn't think at that time, that the blog would survive, thrive even, 2 years on. Certainly, having an easy-to-remember url was the last thing on my mind (would anyone even read it, let alone want to come back and refer friends to it?)

But now, with my blog having batted almost 85,000 eyeballs, I'm thinking at least some readers must wish the blog address was something more obvious. I recall trying to access a friend's blog not from my usual pc and for the life of me, couldn't remember the url. That's what happens when you outsource your memory and have everything bookmarked. Do you recall when we used to be adept at remembering a gazillion of our friends' phone numbers? Today, they're all keyed into our mobile phones - it wouldn't surprise me if one day, even your own phone number draws a blank.

So I went into Blogger, tried out a couple of urls and whaddya know, was available! You can't get any easier than that, can you? (Why I didn't try that the very first time is beyond me).

However, I was slightly apprehensive. If I simply changed the address, I would lose all my previous traffic - and anyone who bookmarked my previous url would now reach a broken link. I then tried registering two urls and redirecting the hedgehogcomms site to the ofkids site but found that all the past comments and followers failed to be transferred.

By then, it was 1am, my lao hua yen eyes were clouding involuntarily and I was having nightmares of my blog posts irrecoverably deleted en masse. So the secretly tech-terrified part of me decided to play it safe and keep the hedgehogcomms url. BUT BUT I also managed to register the ofkids url and redirect it to the hedgehogcomms one. What this means is that you can now type and you will automatically be directed to my blog. If your pc is still operating on last millennium speed (like mine), you will get a peak at the doppelgänger of my blog layout before you're redirected. Cheap thrill, I know.

So there you have it - my blog address remains unchanged but if you want to access my blog from another location or tell your friends about it (thank you!), you can now remember or recite the alternative address with ease. Way easier than "...H...E...D... no, D! D for Denmark!" As you can tell, that happens to me a lot.

I'm glad I've resolved (somewhat) this issue of a simpler url. Now if only I can get Blogger to write the posts for me...


  1. Hahahaha! You were redirected mah, so you're still on hedgehogcomms...

  2. alamak...I didn't even realise this is not ofkids. bahhh...

  3. Aiyoh Mon, don't have to feel agonised over the name. Just need to google 'Monica Lim' and voila! Your website is found.


  4. LOL!! You serious?? I never even thought of that. I can't be the only Monica Lim around, right?

  5. After I read your post ,I very quickly typed in and bookmark it! Very kiasu hor?! It works!!! :)

  6. S: Bwahaha! Did you also get the split second glimpse of the green side bar? So funny, I couldn't change that on ofkids cos even the settings keep getting redirected!

  7. I have often accessed your blog when overseas and here's some interesting revelation for you when I googled:

    1. "kids and education", using the web, your blog came out 3rd

    2. "kids and education", pages from SG, cannot be found even after browsing a few pages....(what does it tell you....too much interest in kids and eduction in SG) LOL

    3. "Monica Lim blog" using the web, your blog came out 2nd

    4. "Monica Lim blog" using pages from SG, it came out 1st but went to your business website first then linked to this blog.


  8. QX: Wow, such support! So sweet of you lah. As for "kids and education" search in SG, I'm assuming you'll get lots of pages from kiasuparents forum LOL!

  9. Oh actually I am surprised, the first entry is unknown to me and second one from!!! LOL And then it is advert sites, advert sites and more advert sites. Up to Page 3, I finally saw MOE and kiasuparents forum nowhere in sight still.... LOL...oh...just saw on page 5, the kiasu word might have buried the other words... oops!


  10. Hi Monica

    No wonder didn't have to write to the forum...haha. Why didn't they shoot mother and daughter together? :)

    Strangely in many forums I read, quite a lot of parents are against the idea of cutting the MT weightage. Hmm..maybe these are the ones whose children have no problems at all.


  11. QX: I find it hilarious that MOE only appears on page 3... maybe because there are no mention of kids??

  12. T: The photographer did take a few family shots but I guess the editor decided to use L-A's solo pic in the end.

    Quite understandable re: parents protesting the issue. In any changed policy, the ones against it will always be the most vocal... and they're usually also the ones with the least to gain. The rest are quietly rejoicing :D Will post about it tomorrow.

  13. Can't wait to read what you have to post tomorrow.

    My boy is in P5 this year and has been struggling with his chinese since P1. He has absolutely no problem with the other 3 subjects, aceing them with ease, but it's a struggle just to score a B for Chinese. % of time spent in revising the 3 subjects - 10 to 20%. Chinese - the remaining 80 to 90%. Sigh.

    I hope the review when it comes at the end of the year would be good news for him next year when he takes his PSLE.


  14. T: Ohhhhhh, then for your sake, I hope the revision is implemented by next year!

  15. I had a lot of trouble finding your blog again after I first read it, was it more than a year ago. I tried everything I could think of including Monica Lim, Hedgehog, hedgehogg ( er...thought my spelling of it was off,lah) Monica blog, GEP blog, gifted education etc etc and finally got it again through using the original way I found it (the GEP ERP booklist, something about bananas - I now forget)and then immediately bookmarked it so it won't be lost again! I'm glad I did.

  16. Elan: Wow, I didn't realise it was so hard to search for! (Bananas? LOL!) But I'm glad you did too, otherwise we would never have met up and found out we were kindred spirits :)


I welcome comments, both positive and negative, as long as they're not inflammatory or hostile. This is a personal blog, not a forum, so I have the right not to publish any anonymous comments. I think it is basic courtesy to at least leave a name. All ads (even those disguised as comments) will be unceremoniously deleted and marked as spam. My blog, my rules. With that, thanks for reading!