Monday, April 12, 2010

Officially a teenager!

Lesley-Anne celebrated her 13th birthday on Saturday. It was a simple celebration with dinner at Sushi Tei on Friday, followed by ice-cream at Swensen's.

On Saturday, my sister and brother-in-law came over for a simple meal and we had a chocolate fudge cake. Just as Lesley-Anne had requested, most of her presents were books. I overheard Andre comment, "Hah? All books? Not a single Lego brick??" (Obviously to him, that was a complete waste of a gifting opportunity.)

How did my little girl become a teenager overnight? Lesley-Anne now wears the same shoe size as I do, and she can borrow my blouses (though we obviously have different tastes in styles). In the blink of an eye, she's now 13, though in my mind, I will always see her in her fresh new p1 school uniform and two pigtails, all of 6 years old.

Actually, Lesley-Anne becoming a teenager isn't a very drastic transition. A family member once commented that Lesley-Anne was born a teenager. That's because she has always been very mature for her age, thinking and saying things beyond her years.

Even as she reaches adolescence, I know we will continue to have our mother-daughter fights and there will be many times when we cannot see eye to eye, but her intelligence, level-headedness and uncanny sensitivity to those around her never fail to amaze me. So here's my message to her: May you never sell yourself short, always grow in your spirit of care for others, and know what a blessing you are to your family and friends.

Happy birthday, baby girl!


  1. Happy Birthday Lesley-Anne! Looks like a really yummy birthday celebration. May you always continue to be a joy to everyone around you!

  2. Wow! What a milestone! Been reading your entries and have been so informed and touched by many of them. I too pray this new journey into TEENS bring you and your family many more excitement, closeness and growth. God Bless, Sarah CHAN

  3. Lilian and Sarah: Thanks so much for the wishes! And for following us in our journey :)

  4. Happy Birthday, Lesley-Anne!

    I smiled when I read that she requested for books, because my daughter is exactly like that. I remember that each year when we celebrate her birthday, her younger cousins and my son would eagerly gather round her when she opens her presents, only to discover that they are all books, much to their dismay. My son sometimes would ask her 'innocently', if she would like a lego set. We know he has secret plans to take over her present!

    So what books did you buy for her this year?


  5. LL: Sounds like our kids have similar interests! Books vs Lego sets, keke... Her books this year are almost all animal related, by Lauren St John and Michelle Paver. I'll probably write a post on them at some point.

  6. Happy Birthday, Lesley-Anne! Welcome to teenage-hood. Yes it's unbelievable that the little girls whom we wished will grow up suddenly become ladies overnight. Luckily for us, we are mothers who have enjoyed their growing up process and can look back to say we did not miss any of their major events or miss being there when they needed us most. Monica, you should be proud of yourself for being a selfless mother who put your children as priority especially when they need you most. Now that she has grown, it's time to slowly let go, no matter how much we hate it. We used to stand in FRONT of them and lead, now it's time to stand BESIDE them to lend them a shoulder to lean against. Couple of years later, time for us to stand BEHIND them and give our quiet support. It's a different phase for them as they are also adjusting to transition to womanhood. We have to remind ourselves not to treat them like the little girl whose world was only us. Instead let the communication be there so that they know we are the first one they can run to when in trouble/need. Let this be a reminder to treat the younger one with tender loving care too cos very soon, they will tread the same path. Cherish every moment we have with our children before they become memories.


  7. SL: I never knew you were so philosophical! You're absolutely right, as mums we need to slowly let go even though it's hard - we want to remain the centre of their worlds always. Maybe that's why we tend to baby our youngest for too long! But I'm glad I was able to be there to enjoy every moment of her growing up years.

  8. Happy belated birthday, Lesley-Anne!!

    Mon, my older gal also only asked for books for her birthday, but since last year, she asked for book vouchers instead.....


  9. Thanks Chris! Looks like we have a bunch of bookworm kids here :D

  10. Happy belated Birthday Lesley-Anne.
    She does indeed look so grown up in the photos.
    Having read about her so much, I feel like I know her and she is such a credit to you, Mon.


  11. Thanks Elan! Our kids are growing up fast :)

  12. Happy belated Birthday L-A. You are growing up fast.


  13. Thanks QX! Missed hearing from you :)


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