Monday, March 8, 2010

A moment of self-indulgence on International Women's Day

Most of my readers are probably not aware that my hubby Kenneth has a blog too. But it's not a social blog like mine, it's work-related. He blogs about training and management concepts which he finds fascinating (not to mention relevant to his field).

I'm the total opposite, I find management theories very dry. It's one of the reasons I never pursued my MBA when it was the hot thing to do. I'm more the "go with your common sense" type which probably won't be good enough for large corporations but works well enough for my little business.

But today, I'm going to introduce readers to his blog because *ahem* he wrote a tribute to me. When you have been married for 15 years, "sweet nothings" is more likely to mean not talking to each other at all! So we have to savour moments like these when our other halves actually make a deliberate effort to appreciate us. Here, most unashamedly, is the link to his post.

Incidentally, today is also International Women's Day. To all the great ladies I've met through this blog, take a moment to bask in the limelight because without you, the world certainly would have been a lesser place.


  1. Wow!! What a nice tribute paid to you as his wife! He is so proud of you! You are so blessed! :)

    Happy 38 Day!

    PS: I am still in search of my sweet spot...where, what, how????? LOL

  2. QX: Haha, thanks! Sweet spot? Dunno leh, gotta look for it, I'm sure it's there somewhere! I just got lucky and stumbled upon mine :)

  3. Sweet spot? hahahaha...sounds like Kenneth found your sweet spot!

    You're very blessed to find a hubby who's so appreciative of all your talents. And it goes without saying how lucky he is to have you as his wife! Good thing he knows it :)

  4. Lilian: Maybe it's because I'm always reminding him! Hahahahaha, there are no invisible women in my household :D


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