Thursday, December 3, 2009

An explanatory note

Dear friends and readers,

I am back from my far-too-short holiday.

I realise that before I left, I may have inadvertently left some of you hanging at the edge of your seats - those who have been following Lesley-Anne's PSLE journey faithfully, and when the day of PSLE results came and left with nary a word from me (except to say I'm going on vacation), may have asked in bewilderment, "So? How did she do??"

Phew. That was a long sentence.

I imagine you must feel like Andre does when he's watching a suspenseful episode of Teen Titans and sees the three dreaded words: "To be continued".

Well, I'm going to be mean and prolong the suspense further. The reason is not that I have a bloodthirsty streak, it's just that I need to blog about my holiday first, otherwise when time passes, I might very well become less motivated. Plus the post on Lesley-Anne's results warrants some thought as I want it to be more meaningful than a "She got xxx".

So over the next week or so, I'll be posting about our family vacation on my travel blog. The first post is already up. Please do check it out!

And when I'm done with that, I'll get around to posting about Lesley-Anne's results. Scout's honour!


  1. Welcome back Mon! Honestly, I do not expect you to share the exact details of her results but since you plan to...I am all eyes!! :) LOL

    Tried to leave a message at the travel blog but encountered an error. Looks like you have had a great holiday indeed. A good holiday to me is getting together with loved ones and totally relax and chill together...I can see it in your pictures.

    Thanks for the whole year of interesting read.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  2. QX: Thanks! I've missed hearing from you, did you go on a holiday as well? A Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you too!

  3. Mon: Hehehe...scout's honour eh? You forgot to add you're not and never were a scout :P

    I am in desperate need of a holiday too...your Day 1 pictures of the cruise already making me pine for a vacation myself.

    QX: Your "I am all eyes" made me laugh!

  4. Happy Holidays, Mon! Trust L-A did well in her PSLE. :)


  5. Oh no..I have not gone beyond the ECP shores yet, that is reserved for a trip for a white Xmas. Going places in SG count? LOL. Actually I think I am quite suah gu, many new places in SG I have not been yet. So I need to go places with my kid in SG first. My kid kept harping on Marina Barrage which all her classmates seemed to have been... *Cheeks burning now* I still have not brought her there because I keep wondering what to do...what to see...a dam? Plus I am not even a good photographer :P

    Oh btw, we have been to Hoshi finally....good recommendation from you and Lilian :) My kid came out saying...."Mummy, wouldn't it be great if we stay next to Hoshi?" *roll my eyes with sound of her giggles in the background*


  6. Lilian: Does not ever having been a scout mean I don't have to keep my word? LOL!

    A cruise is great if you're like us, lazy and food-loving!

    Sue: Thanks! Happy holidays to you too!

    QX: Wah, white Christmas! Shiok! Err... I also haven't been to the Marina Barrage... and glad you enjoyed Hoshi! Hey Lilian, you made another fan of the restaurant! Should start collecting commission, hehe.

  7. Sheesh...not only do I not get commission, they still want to charge Brian adult price...

    But happy you and your girl enjoyed Hojiak Hoshi, QX :)

    I see pictures of places in Singapore that look so interesting but I've never been to, Bottled Tree Park, then there's the winding wooden walkway, I think it's called Treetop Walk (near Kent Ridge Park)...and now Marina Barrage. I always feel like taking the boys but the hot weather (plus general laziness) always puts me off.

  8. Welcome back Mon!

    I also haven't been to Marina Barrage, will put that in my visiting list before sch starts.

    Lilian, I think the winding wooden walkway you are talking about is the Henderson wave at Kent Ridge Park,

    The tree top walk is at MacRitchie with a suspension bridge,


  9. Morning Mon, err..actually I am afraid of the cold nowadays so a white Xmas is not my kind of holiday but I have to oblige. It only sounds glam.. Imagine a *teeth chattering* Rolly Polly packed in thick winter wear in your mind.

    Mon, Lilian, ladies make me feel better now that none of you have been to Marina Barrage yet. Yippee! I should let my girl know. But still shy to admit, we have not been to Bottled Tree Park nor TreeTop Walk. I think if the Tourism Board wants to give a tourist badge to locals to encourage visits, we will qualify. And this Duck ride that my kid talks about..still no action too. LOL

    Lilian, you know what, both of us were so greedy at Hojiak Hoshi that we dived into the food and DID NOT take any photos! Can you believe it? *sigh* So I have no photos to help you bargain for a VIP card, but but but.. you can tell them the little girl who left behind a red colour gross book was recommended by you. I think they can remember the gross horrible book my girl was reading. LOL


  10. Wecome back!
    I have never been to a cruise but I think it is getting very popular. Even friends here are planning for yr end crusie that stop over at exotic countries (to them)like India etc.
    Lilian, I hv some pics of the Bottle Tree park. We went for a photo shot with some moms when I was back the last, last time. Will send u the link.;)


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