Friday, September 4, 2009

Hey there, wise guy!

At my kids' school, some new student awards were given out just before Teachers' Day. They've never had these awards before, I'm guessing the school is trying to motivate and recognise some of the kids in areas other than academic or CCA. Five awards were given out in each class - Most Responsible, Most Humble, Wisest, Most Inquiring and Most Sincere.

Well, Lesley-Anne and Andre came home very excited as each of them had clinched an award. I was quite pleased of course, it would have been less than ideal if only one of them was a recipient (then I'd have to spend time trying to soothe one ego even as I congratulated the other).

At this point, I want you to guess which award each got because to be perfectly honest, I almost fell off my chair when I heard.

Lesley-Anne received the Most Inquiring award. Huh? Really ah? The girl whom all the teachers say should speak up more? I think any of the other four awards would have been less surprising to me.

As for Andre, he got the Wisest award!! Ok, I don't want to make light of his achievement so I'll just assume that he must have demonstrated this quality in school somehow and I'm glad he's being recognised for it. Perhaps in time, I'll get to see more of it at home.

Talk about children surprising you. That's not all. Yesterday, Andre came home with this:

A Wise one AND an Enthusiastic Learner? What a bonus! Looks like Andre is settling in nicely with his new form teacher, to whom I'm very grateful for being so encouraging and nurturing to him.

I never thought I'd see the day when Andre would become a model student. What can I say? It was well worth the wait.


  1. Hey Mon

    Congratulations! I must say I am very impressed with the school. Its very heartwarming to know that they come up with such awards to motivate the children rather than academic achievements. Its indeed a school with a holistic approach.

    I have one piece of good news to share with you and the rest. No streaming for P2 students to the top 2 classes, at the end of this year in Hannah's school! Yay! The principal feels that the kids are too young to go through the stress at P2 which is so true!

  2. Thanks Ann! Yup, am very happy with the school. It's very academically-focused but at least they recognise other qualities in the kids as well.

    Hooray over no streaming! That would definitely reduce the pressure on the kids (and parents)!

  3. Monica, your kids sure make you feel proud of their achievements. Congratulations to Andre & L-A too! Well-done!

  4. Your cup truly runneth over! Inquiring, wise and enthusiastic, all traits of the mother transferred to the children :)

    Ann: Happy to know there's no streaming. My friend's girl is also in P2 there, will be a relief.

  5. Lilian, truly my cup runneth over! But it takes lots of patience, as you know from all our conversations.

    Daphne: thanks! I think we need to celebrate our kids' achievements, no matter how minor, it spurs them on :)

  6. What a fabulous way to end term 3 for the holiday! It will keep the kids' and parents' spirit high for the holidays. Well done L-A and Andre! Congrats Mon!


  7. This is great! Congratulations to L_A, Andre and you! You must be one proud mummmy!!


  8. Thanks QX and Chris! I know, such a lovely gift to end term 3 :)

  9. WOW!!! Congrats! (After all you've been saying about Andre, this is really least expected!)

    Nice teachers they have at their motivating ! =)

  10. Hi Mon,

    Congrats! You must be very proud of them!
    : D

    Just last week, my eldest received a Kindness Award from the school. I am surprised the school comes out with such awards but anyway, it's a pleasant surprise and I think he deserves it (shameless mum right LOL). Sometimes, parents needs external recognition to their kids so that we don't just focus on their weaknesses, if you do what I mean.


  11. Thanks V and SC! SC, I think it's great that schools are recognising kids for other traits, totally agree with you that it helps parents shift the focus from their kids' weaknesses.

  12. That's great! These certificates are very important for all children! We have tried it for NAPA tests as well! Rocks!


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