Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oui, s'il vous plait!

Every now and then, I mention my pal Isabelle, whom I first met when I was working in SMU and has become one of my dearest friends. Her boss used to love introducing her to foreign delegates as the "French lady with a Korean boyfriend (now her husband) who worked in Australia, rides an Italian motor bike and is now living in Singapore." A truly international individual!

Isabelle and Joon are two of the most generous, vibrant and genuine people I know. Since September last year, their joy was multiplied when they had a new addition to the family - little Maxime Park. He's such a gorgeous, sweet-natured and easy-going baby - just look at him!

We meet up regularly for dinner, sometimes at our respective homes and sometimes at restaurants. My kids look forward especially to meals at Isabelle's place because those occasions often turn out to be gastronomic adventures. Isabelle is the one who introduced us to the world of French cuisine and we've tasted many firsts thanks to her. Last weekend was no exception.

First, we started with foie gras and warm bread rolls. This is a perennial favourite with us and Isabelle knows it. This is the way the French like it, not the mushy style popular in posh restaurants. This one comes in a block from a jar, it's in a pate form, encrusted in solidified oil. You remove the oil (to kid yourself that it's not that sinful), then spread the silky smooth foie gras on toast or warm bread. Mmmmmm...

This is what the foie gras looks like when it's sliced.

Next, we had cassoulet for the first time, which is a hearty French stew of white beans, sausage and duck. This, Isabelle brought all the way from France, it also had some sort of salami in it. It's very rich and very tasty, with a side serving of salad. Isabelle always jokes that you should never make an appointment for a blood test the day after a French meal. Sure fail...

Here are the three "boys", after an obviously satisfying meal.

And here's mother and son.

I really am so happy to see her basking in the glow of motherhood. This was no mean transformation. Nine years ago when I first knew Isabelle, she was independent and happily single and she told me in no uncertain terms that she didn't want to get married. Or have babies. Ever. Then she met Joon and as the saying goes, nothing was ever the same again!

When she was preggers, she thought she would be a strict disciplinarian. Now Maxime is not even 10 months old and he already has her wrapped around his teeny little finger. According to Joon, when Maxime sees mummy, he'll instantly clammer for attention because he knows he'll get it. As Isabelle says, "I know he's manipulating me but I don't mind! Because I loooooove him so much." Awww...

What a lovely family! Now how about a little sister for Maxime, eh? *wink wink*


  1. Gawshh, every picture in this post is gorgeous! Especially Maxime and the foie gras.

    Er...can I get foie gras like that in Singapore? It's my absolute favourite!

  2. I'm pretty sure you can get that kind of foie gras in Singapore, probably at the high-end specialty supermarkets. But be warned, it's very costly here!

  3. Gosh, what a cute babe! bet he's got everyone wrapped round his chubby little finger. And mummy looks so trim too, only after 10 mths!

    Faint. The food, the food! I really love a simple meal of bread with foie gras, some cheese and sald on the side. Fast food ought to be that!!

  4. Ad: yes yes! I took home the leftover foie gras and it was my dinner for 2 days straight... had to fend off the kids too, keke.

  5. Your post is making me miss French food big time. I think I'm going to ask X to bring over lots of foie gras. It is my favorite too.

  6. Mei: can I invite myself over to your place for dinner? LOL!!! I'm amazed that you can remain so slim after years of French food...

  7. Hmmm.... I lurve foie gras too. And cheese and red wine! Yum yum yum... there goes my cholesterol level but who cares.

    Great pictures, Monica!


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