Friday, July 31, 2009

A Distinction in whaaaaat??

Two days ago, I received a very pleasant surprise. Actually, that's a lie. My jaw literally dropped. Why? Because Lesley-Anne presented me with this:

Why was I so stunned, you ask? Well, I would have been "pleasantly surprised" if it was a Distinction for music or ballet or English or even for her CCA (library, by the way. Do they give out Distinctions for wrapping and shelving books?)

But here's what she actually got a Distinction for:

SCIENCE!! She got a Distinction in a science competition?? Before you dismiss me as a pretending-to-be-modest mum, let me qualify that this is a girl who has been called up for every single science remedial session in the last three years. Science has never been her strong suit, although she has progressed somewhat this year, thanks to a very dedicated teacher.

In fact, the only news that would have astounded me more is if she'd scored a Distinction in a Chinese 相声 competition (giggling just thinking about it). Or maybe dirt bike racing. Or yodelling, while we're at it.

Anyway, we're awfully pleased. The University of New South Wales administers this science competition yearly for students in various countries. According to the report, this puts Lesley-Anne in the top 4% of p6 participants in Singapore.

Too bad it didn't come in time for the DSA application (still pending, don't ask!) but it's definitely still cause for celebration.


  1. Congratulations Lesley-Anne! Looks like you're peaking just in time to ace your PSLEs! Well done :)

  2. Well done! Can't you forward a copy of the cert to the school for DSA? No harm trying right?


  3. Umm... really ah? I scared they think I'm this kiasu, pushy mum... :P

  4. Congratulations!

    Yeah, Monica, you can try. It will give them more pressure and before you know it they will be sorting through a mountain of applications to find Lesley-Anne's just to see who she is and why there was a certificate sent separately...draws attention to your girl!

    On second thought, they may think you're a nuisance. Still, there's no harm trying! :)

    Congrats again!

  5. Congratulations, Lesley-Anne! Your parents must be so proud of you.

    Mon, I am quite a kiasu mum. Think err... I will send that cert off if I were you..! Go! Go! Go!

  6. Thanks all!

    Thanks for the encouragement, maybe I'll write to them to ask :)

  7. Wow! All my 3 elder ones are terrible at this UNSW science comp thing. If it's not credit, then participation. LOLz. Yeah, my p6 boy just brought back his "Credit" cert for this same science event. *haha*

  8. Congratulations, Lesley-Ann!

    Yah Mon, you've got to at least send it in. Absolutely no harm!

  9. Wow! Lesley-Anne is great! I got a distinction too, but Lesley-Anne is better than me. Top 4%, wow! You must be really proud of her!

  10. Chengs: Credit is good too... it's MCQ so anything can happen lol

    Thanks Ad! Just sent off email.

    :) - I'm so curious to know who you are... Congrats to you too!

  11. Congrats L-A, you sure make your parents proud! Keep going all the way to PSLE! :)


  12. Congrats L-A!
    And Mon, yeah... good to have it sent for as part of DSA application. Not yr fault that the mail came in late :)

  13. Congratulations L_A!!! *Hip, Hip, Hurray!!!*

    Mon, I will be one of the kiasu mum too, sure to send in the cert for the school perusal.


  14. She is RREEAALLLLYY smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)


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