Thursday, June 4, 2009

On cars and marriage by Andre

Last week on the way home from badminton practice, Andre was flipping through a car catalogue. He's crazy about cars and always picks out the ones he likes best on the road. I wasn't in the car that day but Kenneth told me he said, "When I grow up, I don't think I'll buy a big car, since I'll only be driving my wife... and you."

"Eh? What about Mummy?"
"Oh. Ok lah, maybe I buy one like your car now."

I was an afterthought!! Chucked aside in favour of an imaginary wife!! He's lucky I wasn't there, otherwise he'd have gotten a smack on the head.

It's funny to hear him musing about his "wife" though. Even as late as last year, he still thought he was going to marry Lesley-Anne. When I told him he couldn't marry his sister, he protested, "But Auntie Anne said 'next time when you two get married' what..."

"She didn't mean to EACH OTHER lah!" Hai...

You should have seen Lesley-Anne's expression. I'm sure she was thinking, who in the right mind would want to marry Andre? LOL!

But you can't stay mad at Andre for long. He had to fill in a school worksheet about himself and I caught sight of what he had written for one item:

Awww.... he may be a sotong but at least he knows what's important.


  1. sweet...the bit about love lah...not the bit where he forgot his mummy once he found a wife LOL! hahaha...

    I can imagine next time, he'll be driving, and you'll plonk yourself on the seat next to him, while Kenneth and your future daughter-in-law sit at the back! hehe.

  2. No lah, so tyrannical... I'll probably be in the back seat constantly reminding him of all the sacrifices I made for him! LOL

  3. Post on Andre, finally!

    Haha, he seems to have forgotten all about you thinking about his future wife. Strange though, that he actually seems ok with the idea of marrying Lesley-Anne.

    Awww...One thing that his family special is love. So touched.

  4. Andre is hilarious! "...when you two get married"!

    Aiyo, our boys. I'm really sure it was a slip cos there's no way he forgot mummy (grrr). He's a sweetheart lah, this boy. So sweet to think he's already thinking of his future wife.

  5. Veronica: You seem so bemused by Andre! He'll be so flattered to hear that someone enjoys reading about him :P

    Ad: Which means I'll have to screen his future wife very carefully, hehe...

  6. Awwww... so sweet. He is like Sean, who doesn't understand the concept of married yet. Sean keeps asking if I want to get married again. Told him am already married but to Sean, it means having another child!

    Monica, I too will be screening his future wife, very, very carefully!!! :)

  7. Cute and sweet Andre!

    Until now, my girl still wants to marry mummy or daddy whenever we talk about least Andre has a better concept. LOL


  8. Your posts on Andre always makes me smile. He really is a sweetheart. N just wants to get married because she wants to be dressed like a princess. She most definitely doesn't understand what that means.

  9. You have a very sweet son!

  10. ahhh so sweeeet...he will be the man gals are dying to marry to :)


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