Sunday, June 28, 2009

All things Russian

You'll have to bear with me as I find excuses to write posts that are image heavy and text light. Hey, have to experiment with my new camera, right!

So here is a post on goodies from Moscow. What's the link to kids and education? Well, I just met up with Lilian who returned from Moscow and brought me these goodies. And we all know by now Lilian has kids who get on famously with my kids and both us mothers are suffering the education system together. Tah-dah!

Apart from being terrific company, Lilian also came bearing one of my favourite type of gifts - chocolates. We were so spoilt, we received two boxes of these Russian chocolates, one for the kids, one for mummy. Lilian knows me so well - I don't share chocolates!! Who cares about the unpronounceable name, the contents are YUMMY. Each box contains four different types: cashew, caramel, coffee and pistachio. Calorie rich but so worth it!

During her last trip, Lilian brought me a Matryoshka doll. We have quite a few of the pseudo ones from China which are more like kids' toys and clumsily made, but this is the real McCoy. Like all authentic Matryoshka dolls, there are 10-in-1, the last one smaller than a finger nail (but still has a face, it's not simply a blob of wood). Each of the dolls are meticulously painted with little beads painstakingly pressed on the largest one.

Simply gorgeous! Well, if you can't travel to these exotic places, the next best thing is to have someone bring a piece of the culture to you. Thanks Lilian!


  1. Hehe, you're most welcome. Wah, your photo-taking skills improved huh? LOL! What a fast student you are.

    Did the kids like the chocolates? Bopian lah, gotta get 2 boxes, else the kids won't have chance to eat.

    About the Matryoshka Dolls, not all are 10-in-1, they have 3-in-1, and 5-in-1, even 25-in-1. The more dolls there are in a set, the more expensive they are, of course the quality of the painting counts too.

    And let's say for a 10-in-1, if quality of painting is similar, then the smaller the biggest doll is, the more expensive the set will be, cos it's harder to fit 9 dolls into a smaller doll than it is into a bigger one, geddit? Well, that's what I gather lah.

    That's enough Russian trivia for today then :)

  2. Interesting info on the Matryoshka Dolls! Didn't know about the different types. Makes sense though about the cost depending on the size of the doll. How big is the 25-in-1?? Must be quite amazing :)

  3. Yowl, them choccies!! Drool! These Russians are amazing - you don't have a good opinion of them, Lilian, but to be able to make chocolate like that, even if the other 99.99% are crap, must mena they got technology!

    You mean the dolls are not made to fit but are mish mash, after which they have someone scuttling around with 24 dolls tucked under the armpit looking for the remaining one that fits? Or something like that?

  4. The ones I saw was about 1 foot tall, not all that big.

  5. "scuttling around with 24 dolls tucked under the armpit looking for the remaining one that fits" - Ad, you're hilarious lah!! I so don't think that's how it's done...

  6. Yalah, I don't think so too. Cos they'll have to have giant armpits :O !!

  7. You ladies are hilarious..LOL

    Wow! The chocs look scrumptious.
    I don't have the real McCoy Russian dolls, but I have a "Made in Singapore" set painted by my child...think it was a 5-in-1...nothing like the real thing and she actually plays with it!

    The real ones so alluring. Tks for sharing.


  8. Monica: am glad I'm not the only one who is a chocoholic. I've cut down a lot already. have you tried chocs from Royce? Ate a whole box even though I was haaving a cough then. If you've never tried them, I'll bring a box when I go back to Sin and meet you (for the 1st time I might add :))

  9. Eunice: I've tried Royce, they're ok but I swoon for Lindt truffles *hint hint* :D

    I'm so lucky to have all these mums offering me chocolates! We must have a chocolate party when you're back :)


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