Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lesley-Anne's meticulous art

Unfortunately, I don't seem to have Lesley-Anne's early drawings. I remember she doodled quite a bit, but what did I do with them??

Lesley-Anne has always loved art. When she was much younger, she would make cards and pictures as gifts. Unlike Andre, she pays attention to details. Like a flower can't be just a flower, it must be a specific type of flower. When she draws, it tends to be small, detailed items with lots of blank space. She also bothers to colour her pictures (Andre finds colouring a waste of time).

Because of her interest, we used to bring her to drawing and colouring competitions. This is one that she did for a drawing competition held at our estate when she was 6. She was supposed to depict our estate. She took it literally - only our estate, no people! I remembered asking her why the building was so small and the butterfly so big. She explained, "the building is far away lah." Oh I see... perspective. She got third prize for it (granted the competition wasn't very stiff lah). The colours are a lot more vibrant in real life than my sucky camera could show.

This one was for the HSBC art competition the following year. The participants had to draw what they wanted to be when they grew up. She didn't win anything but it was quite fun and I thought it was very nice of HSBC to make miniature copies of the drawings for the kids to take home. Here is the picture. Lesley-Anne drew herself as a zookeeper and in the corner, she's feeding a crocodile with very large teeth. Notice how she allocated a large space to the snake enclosure - for some strange reason, that was her favourite animal exhibit at the zoo back then.

This next one she drew for me a couple of years ago and I love the thought behind it. If you can't read it, the title is "Uses for a Hedgehog" and there are four. The first picture shows a hedgehog being used as a holder for candied apples, the second is a quill as a needle (with the words "Hey! I'm missing a spine!" and "Note: Don't take the spine out of a hedgehog who counts its spines at night"). The third is as a pen and the words "Again, don't take it from a hedgehog who counts its spines". Fourth is a hedgehog breaking the world record for jumping and a speech bubble which says "He did it. He jumped over a block of flats."

Finally, this one on the right is part of a project she's doing now for school. She's supposed to sketch wetland creatures. Each creature has to be drawn in two ways - gesture, ie shaded to show the texture and flat style, ie clean lines to show details. I think her kingfisher drawings are still in progress.


  1. Wow, very nice! I don't know any kid aged 6 who would draw flowers by the species. Flowers would just be 5 petal, a stalk, a leaf or two.

    And my favourite is definitely the hedgehog picture, not just the beautiful drawing but also the words she uses, so witty and clever, AND also that she thinks of different uses, very creative. Love it!

    (Why can't you save your pictures as a bigger file before you upload aiyohhhh!, very hard to see lah)

    The last drawing seems really sophisticated and mature...a sign of things to come. Your little girl is growing up FAST!

  2. I don't know mah! I'm technologically dense!! How to save as bigger file hah?

  3. hahaha, ask Kenneth lah. I dunno how to explain!

  4. Aiyoh, Kenneth is even more IT-handicapped than I am!!

  5. haha, Eddie and Kenneth can shake hands. How come I see so many husbands who are so good in IT, and two of us have IT-illiterates for our spouses.

    I thought Kenneth was from Science faculty...actually all my assumptions about him seem to be wrong. First, I thought he was jiak gantang (eat potato), turns out he's good in Chinese. I thought he was peranakan, turns out he's not. I thought he looks quite tech-savvy, also not.

    Let's hope someone techie reads this and helps you out. If you look at the pictures on my blog, when you click on them, they lead to another page, which shows a bigger picture. Yours doesn't, kwim? Click, and nothing happens. And the pictures are so tiny, I want to see the details in the hedgehog picture, so cute. You should frame that up.

  6. Aiyoh, cannot lah. Googled, change here change there, only managed to upset entire layout and picture still small!! Then managed to stretch picture but everything got blur. Luckily managed to get back original. Sorry, tech stupido here, gotta go with small pics.

  7. Ok, managed to make them bigger, but I think the resolution is compromised... they all look quite blur...

  8. So cute, the hedghog one! I really like this cos they're unrestrained and full of humour. It's her fun and spontaneous personality showing through! If only our schools can encourage these rather than the tired themes they cart out. The nature drawings are like wow. She's got a very detailed eye. Nice!

  9. I love the hedgehog drawings. With a story line too. The last pic looks very advanced for her age. Your daughter is not only smart, can defend herself but can draw also!

  10. Wow.... L-A is an artist! Hannah saw her drawings on your entry and she asked me,"When can I meet this Jie Jie? Her drawings are so beautiful and detailed!".

    Errr... told her that she can only meet this talented Jie Jie after her PSLE exams in November! Hannah groaned in disbelief!

  11. Thanks all for the very encouraging words! I'm sure they will inspire L-A to draw some more :)

    Ann: no lah, I'm sure we can arrange something, maybe in the June hols if Hannah wants to meet L-A! L-A loves younger kids. Maybe we can do a mini art camp or something!

  12. Aiyo Mon. Hannah wants to meet L-A very badly. She loves mixing and hanging out with older children.

    Ok. Let's do something together during the June Hols if time permits for you as I really don't want to impose on you and L-A (June's a crucial month for PSLE revision :))! Thanks!

  13. Ann: that's so sweet! Sure, let's try to arrange someting then.


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