Friday, February 6, 2009

MDA to investigate the screening of PG trailers during prime time

This is an update on my earlier post, Are we desensitised to sex on tv?

There was silence from Mediacorp so I thought they had simply dismissed the issue and swept it under the carpet. But yesterday, there was a reply from MDA on the ST online forum. It says:

PG movie trailers at prime time: MDA to investigate

WE THANK Ms Monica Lim for her Online Forum feedback last Friday, "Don't show trailers of adult films during prime time".

Broadcasters are guided by the Media Development Authority's (MDA) Free-To-Air Television Programme Code, which outlines the general standards to be observed by broadcasters for television broadcast. Although programmes rated PG (Parental Guidance) can be shown only after 10pm, their trailers can be aired at prime time if they have been edited for a general audience and if the PG rating is also included.

MDA is looking into the feedback and will take appropriate action if the guidelines have been breached.

Ginny Goh (Ms)
Head, Broadcast Standards,
Media Content
Media Development Authority

Whether or not anything is done, I'm just glad that someone has acknowledged the issue and is looking into it.


  1. Fantastic, Monica!! Thanks to you, it may actually be safe to turn on the TV again ...

  2. Yes, Monica. Thanks to you. For a while, I was wondering how come they never acknowledged your feedback.

    BTW, I have a strong hunch that you are going to write something on your blog after ST's Special Report on "8 things you can do to help your child sail through school"(published on Sat). Wink!

  3. Ann: Haha, you know me, I can't resist! But will just pick one lah, will convenient ignore some like "tv not good for kids" cos I know my kids watch too much tv :P


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