Friday, January 16, 2009

The world according to Andre

Here's one of Andre's classic foibles to end the work week on a light note.

Yesterday, Andre was reading a comprehension passage about Japan being known as the "Land of the Rising Sun".

Andre: Why is Japan called the Land of the Rising Sun?

Me: Well, as you know, the sun rises in the... ?

Andre: Morning.

Me: No lah!

Andre: Huh? You mean it rises at night?

Me: Haiyah! The sun rises in the East!

Andre: Hah?

Me (despairing): Don't tell me you don't know the sun rises in the East and sets in the West!

Andre: I don't know what is East and West! Which side is East?

Me: East is the right side, West is the left.

Andre: So you mean the sun rises here? (waves right hand)

Me: Not YOUR East lah! Do you think the sun rises and sets with you??

Andre (protesting): I don't know mah. I never learnt history.



  1. He's so adorable lah...
    and brutally honest too. :)

  2. Andre's the best lah.

    Oh, today's Friday already? Ai...I just managed to pack the boys off to school today after a long holiday.

  3. Monica, Andre is priceless! His sun always rises because he's such a cheerful guy.

  4. I am so cheered up by him...his sweet innocence. I think I will be able to laugh now if my child says all that to that I have read Andre's response...I am more prepared... :D


  5. Again, hysterical. Have a thoguht about compliing all his 'sayings' and giving it to him when he turns 18?

  6. Eunice: I'll just make him sit down and read the blog :D


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