This was where we bought Andre's cake for his party yesterday and it's our third birthday cake from Coffee Bean. If you're not the Martha Stewart type of mum who makes her own birthday cakes, I highly recommend getting them from Coffee Bean. Here are three reasons: 1) they taste really good, 2) they look wonderful, 3) they are very reasonably priced.
This is the one we bought for Andre (all pics of cakes from Coffee Bean website, they're just so much better than ours):

Andre's birthday cake last year was also from Coffee Bean.

It's a train theme and has two little carts with M&Ms and chocolate buttons. Very nice for little boys. For cakes that are molded into special shapes, the cake itself is only a butter cake with choice of flavours like chocolate, marble or banana. I think the other Coffee Bean flavours are too soft to be able to hold their shape. But they still taste pretty good and have lots of icing which kids usually love. Also $55 for 1.6kg.
For Lesley-Anne's 10th birthday party, we ordered the Candy Castle cake from Coffee Bean.
This one was a real hit. When we brought it out, all of Lesley-Anne's friends went "WAHHHHH!!" It's awfully pretty and has chocolate eggs on the top. It's a whopper at 3.2kg. When I ordered it last year, it was only about $60 which I think was underpriced. They've since raised the price to $96, which is probably more realistic for a cake of that size.
I think Coffee Bean has a better selection of birthday cakes for boys than for girls (especially girls who don't like dolls and all that girly stuff), but overall their quality can't be beat. It's also very convenient - you can order online and just collect the cake on the actual day at an outlet close to you. Or you can pay extra for delivery.
Sean had the train cake when he turned 4 or was it 5, oops, can't remember now. It looks good but we didn't enjoy it, was too sweet for us.
My tried and tested cake, in terms of taste only, are the simple Bengawan Solo sponge cakes. Their cream is butter cream yet not super-geli rich, extremely delicious. In the past they came in simple disney characters, not sure if they've improved. Even adults will go for seconds when this cake is served at birthday parties.
The Bengawan Solo cakes taste fine but in terms of looks, nothing special, it's mostly the usual pictures on flat cakes. I only order the Coffee Bean ones for parties or if we have guests as they look better. If we're celebrating by ourselves, it's usually a simple fudge cake from Mirana Cake House - that one tastes really good!
Nice, and pricing looks very reasonaoble. RK's sitting here half watching Scooby Doo, half wishing your cakes are on the table. Yumz! Tks for the rec!
Wow... Coffee Bean has website. How long have I been away from Sg?
Now I remember why I didn't have to bake in Sg. Look at the spread available!
I can only imagine how thrilled Kristin will be to have the pink purse cake with all the lipsticks and nail varnish candies.
Ah... kids these days are so lucky! From your pics, the happy face the birthday boy/girl is wearing tells it all!
You know kids, when it looks nice, half the battle is won! As Lilian said, there are better tasting cakes out there but the kids remember the ones with the fanatastic designs. Lesley-Anne says even today whenever there's a birthday, her friends still talk about her castle cake.
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