Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Travel Bug - my new travel blog

I haven't posted here in a couple of days because I was, guess what, busy writing another blog! *gasp* I've become a blogging monster.

That's right, I've started a travel blog. I thought it might be fun, first to capture all the experiences so I can relive the great times over again. Second, quite a few friends have asked me to share tips and views on my recent trip to Tokyo, so I thought, why not just capture it all in a blog?

So there you go. My travel blog is focused on travelling as a family, especially with kids. I don't know about other parents but holidays with kids for me is a challenge as it's hard to find a suitable destination and activities that excite everyone. So hopefully some of my experiences can help shed light. Please check it out!

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I welcome comments, both positive and negative, as long as they're not inflammatory or hostile. This is a personal blog, not a forum, so I have the right not to publish any anonymous comments. I think it is basic courtesy to at least leave a name. All ads (even those disguised as comments) will be unceremoniously deleted and marked as spam. My blog, my rules. With that, thanks for reading!