Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Hello, goodbye

I’m the kind of person who’s always asking, what next? I’m usually hurtling forward, trying to make things happen. And when they don’t, I become frustrated, antsy and ask why why why. In 2018, through a series of events, I learned the wisdom of letting go. Of relinquishing control (which was only an illusion after all, because I never really had it).

It was incredibly liberating. I find myself more relaxed than I’ve ever been. It sounds contradictory – to find security when you give it up, but that’s how it is. I stopped worrying, planning, sometimes even just doing. And as I listened and waited, with no expectations, things happened. Things beyond what I dared to dream, things that I’d previously tried to engineer and failed, now fell into my lap. 

The wisdom of God is that He knows when we are ready. And the age-old adage is true – that if we’re not ready to handle the small stuff, entrusting us with the big stuff will destroy us. There’s joy and peace (without the worry) in knowing that the reins are being held by someone who knows where I need to go.

So for the new year, I wish all you, my family and friends, this same joy and peace – that no matter how much turmoil the world is going through, may your lives be secure in His truth and love.

Blessed 2019, everyone.


I know I haven't posted on this blog for a while now. It's a conscious decision - I feel that this blog has outlived its usefulness as a repository of education op eds, and I loathe to continue for its own sake, especially when I don't have anything meaningful to say. In 2019, Lesley-Anne and I will be releasing our last book together, and we will both be moving on to other things. I believe there are different seasons of life, and we are called to move on when new adventures beckon, not cling on to old ones out of nostalgia. It's the only way to grow as a person.

For all those of you who have followed me these many years, I'm truly grateful for your support and love. I might still make an appearance here if any burning issues catch my imagination. Otherwise, take it that the blog is going into hibernation. If you really want to read stuff by me, there's always my Travel blog, where I recently recorded our family trip to Nagoya.

Love lots, live lots ♥ ♥


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