Monday, May 6, 2013

A birthday bash with pumpkin fries and popiah

Lesley-Anne's birthday was in April but she flat out refused to celebrate it because it was in the middle of her exams. No cake, no birthday song, she even declined opening her presents.  I think us gift givers were more excited than she was that she was turning 16. I've honestly not met a teen more adept at delayed gratification than Lesley-Anne.

Anyway, the dreaded exams finally came to an end and we took her out for a belated celebratory lunch at House, a restaurant at Dempsey.

It was packed on 1 May, a public holiday. Several walk-ins had to be turned away.  They're doing a booming business.

This was our first time there and the brunch menu was pretty extensive, it was quite a task trying to decide what to order.  We had 6 in our party so in the end, we ordered several different items to share.

Charcuterie Plate ($24): included Ham hock terrine, salami, chicken liver pate, gherkins, walnuts, caramelised onions (yum!) and bread. This is a rather rich platter, can get jelat pretty quickly but for sharing, it's great. 

Pumpkin Risotto ($25). To me, this was the best dish we ordered. Creamy and sweet, and bursting with flavour. My kids loved this too.

House offers a variety of specialty fries. We ordered the pumpkin hazelnut fries ($12) and they were really delicious. Crumbly on the outside, soft on the inside and the paprika gave them a wowza kick.  Next to it is the Fish Basket ($29). It was ok but more run of the mill.

My kids ordered the Old-fashioned American Sliders ($24): a pair of mini burgers with sweet potato and truffle fries. The beef patties were juicy and well done but the fries were way too salty and over-fried. My recommendation is to order their specialty fries instead.

House claims to have Singapore's best tau sar pow and Andre loves red bean paste, so we ordered two of those. You can order them on their own ($2.50 each) or as a set ($8) that comes with a glass of teh tarik.  I'll say, skip the teh tarik.  That was the only item we tried that was a total letdown for me.  Real teh tarik doesn't have honey and I'm pretty sure the tea wasn't actually pulled. Don't mess around with the real thing!

The tau sar pows though, were truly not bad. They're served warm and soft, and the filling is very smooth and creamy. We gobbled them up before realising we'd forgotten to take a picture! A nice way to end the meal, on a sweet note.

That wasn't the end of Lesley-Anne's birthday celebration though.  Dinner that night was also a special treat - my mil's yummilicious popiah!  We only have this a couple of times a year because it's a mammoth preparation job that includes cooking the popiah filling the night before and waking up at the crack of dawn to re-heat and stir the mixture.

My sister and bil joined in the feast. And what a feast!

The belated birthday cake.  One of Lesley-Anne's favourite flavours - Oreo cheesecake.

Happy Sweet 16, Lesley-Anne! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


  1. Happy Belated Birthday, L-A! You are growing up so fast and I am feeling old watching you grow... LOL


  2. Thanks QX! You know, it's a strange feeling knowing that loyal readers like you watched my kids grow up (together with the blog). Kinda like having extra guardians, which is nice :)

  3. Mon, thanks for regarding me as a virtual friend to be looked upon like an extra guardian for your kids. I feel honoured. Indeed online friends can also be extra guardian in that if ever I meet your children outside and if they need help, be sure they will be helped without a doubt. Perhaps one day our paths will cross and I will intro my family to you as well. Until then, cheers to our virtual friendship.

    Just for the record, I did not start reading from your first post but I believe I started from the year you open this blog so I have grown as well.. LOL.


  4. QX: You are definitely one of my pioneer readers and I'm so honoured that you have kept coming back! Thanks for being a friend.

  5. Mon, after reading and observing you for those few years, I believe I am qualified to say the following:

    You are one balanced writer I like to read so you are the one who sustained my interest all these years. You have no hidden agenda. Extremist would have driven me away or one who does not write from a sincere heart.

    There may be moments we have disagreement in some issues but we manage it with respect for each other. We do not have to agree all the time, even spouses do not do so in a marriage but could stay in a marriage. That is the same foundation for friendship, trust and not agreeing but yet can appreciate each other's viewpoint.

    Also, we share similarities in our parenting approach, an area I think we dare to be a little different instead of only a one-track way. We see things from our kids' perspective a bit more.

    Sometimes when everything around me becomes an illusion, it is good for me to come here to feel some reality. Many things are not so absolute in life, but our beliefs and values will drive the appropriate actions for us.


  6. QX: Thank you so much for the affirmation. You're right in that we don't have to agree all the time but can see each other's point of view. I tend to just say what I think and I know not everyone will agree with me, but if I have to think of not offending every single person, that just gets too exhausting!

    It's always fantastic to know there are parents out there who share the same worldview as I do, makes me feel I'm not alone in this "battle" against the epidemic kiasuism out there :)

  7. Always reading ur posts as a silent reader. U rock as a writer! Belated Happy Birthday LA! ~ my

  8. my: Thank you! Always happy to see you here :)

  9. Happy belated Birthday, LA! You look so pretty and happy in the lovely family picture.
    Has anyone told you that you look like your mom?

    Happy sweet 16! :)


  10. Thanks, Nutella! I always feel like L-A and I don't look alike since I looked nothing like her at that age. But other friends have told me the same thing you're saying :)


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