Monday, March 18, 2013

SUP-er family fun!

If you're looking for a fun and meaningful family activity these March holidays (or maybe June), then here's an idea for you: Stand Up Paddling (SUP).

What's that, you say? Well, it's a new water sport that has hit Singapore shores and is quickly gaining momentum.  My very good friend, Isabelle, took the plunge late last year by quitting her job and setting up her own business, the Stand Up Paddling School in Singapore.  Completely borne out of passion, she started this with no fanfare and little marketing but within just a few months, she has already gotten unsolicited airtime on radio and magazine coverage.  News of good stuff spread quickly!

Isabelle invited us to try it out and always game for something new, we accepted her invitation last December.  When I say "we", I mean Kenneth and the kids.  I didn't go cos I can barely swim and knowing how to swim is a prerequisite.  Besides, somebody has to hold the camera, right?

The SUP School is located at Tanjong Beach, Sentosa, which is an ideal location as the waters are cleaner and calmer than at East Coast beach.  Plus it's gorgeous and far less crowded.  There are also parking and fantastic shower facilities right next to the beach.

First, you start with a lesson on land - how to paddle, where to stand, etc (there's the lao ban niang with the Santa hat).

Then you carry your board to the water.

And off you go!

They took to it like fish to water. I think we were all pretty surprised - we thought it would be quite a challenge trying to balance on the boards, but it wasn't.  Within 15 mins, they were on their feet and soon learning tricks like jumping and turning on their boards.  I must say, being at Tanjong Beach is a huge advantage.  There's an idyllic little lagoon which is very conducive for beginners to gain confidence before they venture out.

These are a couple of shots Isabelle took from her vantage point on the board. Don't my kids look pro?

My kids really, really enjoyed it.  Lesley-Anne said she could do this forever and Andre had so much fun he was begging to go back. We had plans to go SUP-ing again these March hols, unfortunately our schedules don't allow it.  But it's definitely on our to-do list.

SUP is not only a fun activity, it's also a healthy one - some people do this as a keep fit option, since you need to utilise lots of muscles, esp the core, for balance.  Highly recommended, if you're looking for something new to try out as a family.

You need to book in advance. Call Isabelle Malique-Park at 9638 5565 for appointments or check out the details on her website

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