This is Lesley-Anne's year - the year of the ox. I don't believe in the zodiac traits but funnily enough, both my kids possess some of the characteristics that their Chinese zodiac signs claim to have. As the ox, Lesley-Anne is diligent and conscientious, often working hard to perform and achieve. On the other hand, Andre the dragon is full of life and somehow is able to get what he wants without really much effort.
Since I did a photo chronology of both of them for Christmas, I thought I'd do one tracing their development over the past Chinese New Years. And here is the story of the ox and the dragon.
CNY 2004:
Andre was three then and I remember he was so fond of Mandarin oranges that he pilfered a whole bunch of them from his grandmother's house and hid them in my bag!

CNY 2005:

CNY 2006:
This was the cutest stage. Both of them were totally adorable. Where did my babies go??

CNY 2007:

CNY 2008:

And this year, CNY 2009:
Gongxi Facai everyone!
Gosh!! I love the little human stage, which is what I have at home. Your "verticals" are the best, Monica!
Even Andre has grown up so much in this year's picture. Must be all the badminton jumping and stretching. Both so adorable, esp in the earlier years; my favourite is the CNY2005 picture. So L-A won't wear traditional Chinese dress anymore?
Lesley-Anne had a cheongsam this year but I didn't have a great pic of it. She's now into the typical teenage wear - t-shirts and jeans. I can't remember the last time she wore a skirt (in fact, I don't think she has any!)
Ooops... I don't think we have any CNY pics at all!
Gotta start the tradition... else no photos to look at 10 years down the road.
Cindy: You have to start taking the pics, especially since your kids are so gorgeous and photogenic!
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