We thought it was an opportune time to remind Andre that the season doesn't revolve around his material and gastronomic desires, hence the conversation below ensued.
Me: "Andre, Christmas is Jesus' birthday. Did you remember that?"
Andre: "Oh yah hor."
Kenneth: "Do you know the story of how baby Jesus was born?"
Andre: "He was born in a stable."
Me: "That's right. Then what else happened?"
Andre: "There was a star."
Me: "Very good. Who did the star lead to the baby?"
Andre: "Jesus."
Me: "No, I mean who did the star bring to Jesus?
Andre: "God?"
Kenneth: "No lah, who followed the star?"
Andre looked blank, so Kenneth prompted: "The three...?"
Andre: "Wise Men"
Thank God, I thought for a moment he was going to say the three little pigs.
Kenneth: "What did the Wise Men bring to Jesus?"
Andre (slowly): "Gold, myrrh... and Frankenstein."
Wah, that must have been a scary sight, the third Wise Man leading Frankenstein to baby Jesus.

ROFLMAO!!! He's a riot!
Hey, he got 2 out of 3 right!!
I really enjoy reading your stories about Andre. He is absolutely adorable.
I'm sure there will be many more to come :D
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